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Tanks And Curses
So. Fellel's Fumble is a nice curse. In and of itself, it stops someone from attacking, or outright negates things forcing a person to use auto attacks. The thing is though, auto attacks (generally) aren't that good against people that have a pretty decent DEF score ((or res if your auto hit goes against that?)) If they're using Fellel's Fumble, you're generally against a class that requires Hit-Checks, like say... Arbalest. Arbalest doesn't have much in the way of auto-hits. You got your Heavy Tackle and your Star Bow. Are they powerful against non-tanks? Sure! They fall off completely though against people with actual defense scores.

Arbalest relies on hit-checks to break through defensive targets and harm them... and honestly? The curse itself is something like 3 rounds (with a 3 duration). This makes it require 3 attack checks, OR for it to run out. Which, if the target is good, they'll renew it. They'll probably not run hit checks either, and poison murder is a good way to win. So, what do you do?

You either get a multi-shot gun to completely nullify the curse, rendering it null and void forever... or you cry to yourself as you fire twice in one round (if you stand still. Which sometimes isn't a good idea against a hexer). Then proceed to repeat this until..

A) The curse finally wears off on your last hit
B) The timer runs out

If the hexer is smart, they can simply just renew the curse on themself. Which, guess what, will make you never be capable of hitting them.

How to deal with this? Iunno. Make it work like Body of Isesip?

The person uses the momentum to attack you? It reduces the duration by a round.

The person spends a full round, and waits a round, to hit you?

You just survived for an entire round because you spent 3M and some FP.

One-versus-one is not the best to do for a balance example, in my opinion.
[Image: 7y3oPuY.png]
It's still a massive balance issue, Saw. If a class relies on hits ((like say.. GHOST)). Can't actually fight against a hexer tank. ((Their auto attacks do no damage, possibly.. or very little to matter)).

They can't use a basic attack, getting close is suicide unless they have amazing status resist and can not be poisoned from 120+ Afflict. They're forced to either run and let the person reset the duration on their thing so they can land in a single blow before having to run around for three rounds for the status to wear off...

If the hexer bothers to have any way to heal. The run & attack method isn't plausible.

One v One may not be the 'best' to do for a balance example, but it raises enough issues to make balance issues be a thing.
obtain multihits
obtain something to do when they fellel
avoid trigger fellel
obtain good autohits
one trick pony gets rekt, get more tricks

arbalests have plenty to do and serious damage output. how about you plan that big ass damage for the hit that will go through before you get cursed
with i dunno. stun? you already have good ski, so you'll have good status infliction rate
how about dat poison, m8
what, you dont have bk for that tasty badchop, since you a critwhorin ghost? better make good use of dat fleur
Look into the sky!
It's a Bird!
It's a Plane!

[Image: ID_Super_Salty_To_The_Rescue_by_DizziKatz.jpg]
I always did think Fellel/Plisfa should lower their duration instead of LV.

Maybe change them to last 2/3/4 rounds?
That seems like something relatively reasonable, Soaps. Admittedly, 1/2/3 makes it still last for an entire round if you use all your momentum to perform basic attacks, which is still good...

But it does make it last 1.5 rounds for 3M of not being able to attack ((Barring you just don't have a gun to go 'nah fuck this'.)) So 1/2/3 with it lowering duration, or 2/3/4 is fine.
Psych, we all know that Sderg is rather salty, but would you mind contributing a reason or two as to why this topic smells like salt, and not just dropping 'u so salty' images without any further contribution?

Sarinpa hit the nail on the head. Fumble only works against accuracy checks, and Starbow/Heavy Tackle are both powerful enough to make a dent in anyone that isn't a physical tank. This will obviously become annoying as hell to get through as an accuracy-based setup, but if you haven't prepared for when hit checks fail, that's your fault, not the Hexer's. That includes making sure your autohit isn't going to be easily brushed off by someone with 30 or so DEF and a few points on their armor's Defense. The only build that would lack a solid response is Akimbo Gunner, but as it's already made clears, multihit guns blow straight through Fumble's threshold.
[Image: a2794117f3.png]
[12:53:15 AM] Chaos: don't hit dyst
[12:53:18 AM] Chaos: that's cruelty to animals
[12:53:20 AM] Chaos: you have to shoot it
[12:53:20 AM] Dystopia: ye
"[url=' Wrote:Sarinpa1 » Mon Nov 30, 2015 9:14 am[/url]"]arbalests have plenty to do and serious damage output. how about you plan that big ass damage for the hit that will go through before you get cursed
with i dunno. stun? you already have good ski, so you'll have good status infliction rate

The response to this is, as I will always say..

"My first hit can't be a power hit unless I want to lose all of my health because of Spirit Mirror."

That is all.
What about Dagger Dance? Equals to four hits in two attacks, right?-- But eh, the poison. Eh, the Drowned Woman. Eh, the... (*continues for hours*)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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