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Quazy Heaven Kick
Due to the fact you now fly up into the air like, 8 tiles, Quaking Heaven Kick knocks down from any range.

It's a bit difficult to count how many tiles it's dropping you, so, I figure the fix would be to take those tiles into consideration for its minimum range to KD. Probably.
This may sound a bit strange but is it possible the original formula for QHK's Knockdown formula was based on the STR bonus you get from the tile range from the target and it somehow it played into how HK now scales STR therefore bypassing the distance requirement (I.E. the added Str from distance) that is/was in place? -Assuming it was coded that way.

. . . Did that make any sense? x_x

Edit: I just rather avoid the sinking feeling he took the distance requirement out for whatever reason.
Also Known As:
Exxy Izzy
So; in the haste of updating every MA skill to the new formula, the entirety of the tile range was removed.

Tiles no longer increase the damage. ONTOP of that; it now scales with STRENGTH. Before, it didn't scale off of any stat, simply scaling (admittedly linearly) with the DISTANCE you travel during the kick. I tested this on a 37 DEF character (no armor) vs with 27 STR and 25 STR. The kick at maximum range 10, and then 15, did the same amount of damage for 27, but with the 2 point drop in strength, it went from 12 damage overall to 10 damage overall. It didn't raise in scaling with the Distance traveled anymore.

I feel that this gives Heaven Kick a lot more usability, as well as strength than it's intended to have (especially considering +45 damage at max range on a heaven Kick is really powerful when you consider that it can hit everyone in a rather large splash AoE now)

Right now it's

STR+WPN POW+SKIL POW (with probability to adding extra damage from weapon proficiency tossed in).

It used to be

WPN POW+SKIL POW+ DISTANCED TRAVELED (with probability to adding to extra damage from weapon proficiency tossed in).

The old formula may have not been TOO good, but it did allow a person to perform an Attacking and Damaging maneuver in 3 Momentum, which could do a decent bit of damage with a high power weapon and max rank.
The animation effect has no impact on the damage the skill deals nor if it KDs. There was a bug where it was checking the wrong value for distance and probably wasn't giving any bonus damage based on distance traveled. That's been fixed.

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