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[QUE] Boots of initiative
Boots of initiative add to the talent's duration, meaning that you get +5MV and +10CEL for 3 rounds instead of 1, as the talent is supposed to intend.

Is it intended for boots of initiative to add to the duration of the talent's initiative?
Are you sure that's what's going on? Can you take a screenshot of it with and without the boots equipped? Because the boots should only be replacing the status if it's higher (which is 2 rounds and LV 6 for the boots).
Actually I think that is what's happening, but the boots of initiative give the +12 CEL to turn order for 2 rounds, which lead to an awkward double turn situation that I honestly did not see coming, so I guess I should be asking instead:

Are boots of initiative intended to give CEL order as well?
I mean, it's intended in the sense that it uses the same status as the talent, although the numbers were originally for the old version of it.
Alrighty, thank you.

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