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Inner Donte [Demon Hunter buffs]
Alright, short things short. I'd like to see Demon Hunter be a more selfish class who can do their things by themselves, instead of being always used to be a supportive class for another setup, like Spellthief is forced to. (And even though, Spellthief manages to be a solo class rather fine due to the set of dagger skills and the ability to have more than simple magic.)

Anyway, there goes what I'd like to see changed:

> Snake Dancer also gives (+10 +20) Evade while Cobra Stance is active. (Disabled if Knocked Down or Blinded) (This is necessary, Soldier alone doesn't offer any Evade buff.)
> Descending Uroboros at Rank 5, adds +1 Snake Dancer dodge to the stack if you knock down an enemy while using it. (A way to enjoy the dodges more, and this shouldn't be a hassle, since Snake Dancer makes an Evasion Check now.)

> Bonus Bloodshed also gives (+3 +6) bonus STR/DEF per Rank while Reaver Stance is active. (I couldn't think of anything, but this can help to forgive the misusage of stances.)
> Chaser use (85% 95% 105% 115% 125%) WPN ATK (Serves as a way to move, so damage down.)
> Rising Tide (100% 105% 110% 115% 120%) WPN ATK (I don't know why it's damage is high, as it makes the enemy airborne and opens up for Descending Uroboros or Clay Pidgeon.)
> Elemental Rave (100% 110% 120% 130% 140%) WPN ATK (This should have a higher scaling, because multi-hitting abilities are mediocre if their WPN ATK is low.)
> Elemental Rave should also have it's animation sped up for cosmetic purposes. (It should be like 50% faster [like Swift Kagekiri's speed is increased], it's a flurry of slashes and it looks too slow to be flashy-looking.)

> Know No Pain should also give (+1% +2% +3% +4% +5%) Magic Damage Reduction per Rank while Matador Stance is active. (Let's face it, they're on the defensive here, this stance alone doesn't offer anything else but tankiness.)
> Retaliate gives (+2 +4 +6 +8 +10) Dark ATK while Matador Stance is active. (Why build RES in a stance that blocks Physical Damage? I have yet to see this being effective. And Dark is the most resisted type of damage, this will be fine.)

> Clay Pidgeon's bonus damage is changed to (25% 35% 45%) of your SKI, and also gives (+5 +10 +15) bonus HIT for guns, while Desperado Stance is active. (I could ask for more, but this is enough. Desperado is something to be compared with Magic Gunner, but a bit weaker.)
> 1-Punch KO gives (+5 +10 +15) bonus CRIT for shotguns and launchers only. (This is necessary, Soldier also doesn't offer a lot of crit. Magic Gunner doesn't offer crit, Archer doesn't offer crit.)
> Lead Storm adds +1 bullet round(*) at Rank 5 when you use Lead Storm, regardless of the weapon type. (This needs a reason to be at Rank 5)
> Wild Ride, at Rank 5, automatically casts Lead Storm at it's maximum range, in the end of the ride. (It would be nice to have more decent gun skills, and since this is almost impossible to pull off without Monk or Overcharge. The better.)

(*) EDIT: Two bullets in Lead Storm would be pretty OP if mixed with Magic Gunner's One Overcharge, so yeah, only one extra round is fine.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I 100% agree with all of this. Let's see this happen.
OOC Devourer Of Souls: it makes me feel like someone slipped me acid laced water
"Snake" Wrote:> Lead Storm adds +1 bullet round at Rank 3 and +1 bullet round, at Rank 5, regardless of the weapon type. (This needs a reason to be at Rank 5)

I'm not sure I understand what this suggestion is, because if it's just shooting three additional times, you'd just replace basic attacks with lead storm every time if you ever used shotguns, sniper rifles, ryesers, or just about any gun.

Most of the other changes I have no issues with -- the passive evade and dark damage for Cobra and Matador Stance, respectively, I outright agree with.
I think I can actually get behind most of these, except MAYBE the desperado ones since I don't have the most relevant Desperado experience so I'm not sure I'm knowledgeable enough to warrant an opinion.

(Specifically, most of my Desperado use was pre-GR with Nitrogen Derp)
*loud burp*
I suppose having the stances give passive stats is alright since you usually swap out to Cobra/Matador at the end of the turn anyway, though the lead storm change is the only thing that worries me since well, what Kameron posted.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
This could also work by applying the buffs by turn; they apply if you started the turn in that stance.

Such as, for example, a DH/MG not getting the Desperado buffs if they swap back to Cobra/Matador at the end of every turn.

This would actually make Reaver/Desperado more appealing overall, and make Cobra/Matador less essential.
*loud burp*
Well, Desperado has it's own appeal, which is Bullet Barrier. Reaver doesn't have anything worth to make you want to stick to it, so I don't think it would be necessary to punish people if they end up misusing a stance, for example, when you're in the middle of a Reaver Combo, then notice you won't have enough Momentum to swap back to your defensive stance, be it Desperado, Cobra or Matador.

And the idea for the statistic buffs while you're in a stance is just to make them 'feel' more powerful for a stance, you know. You swap to a stance and then that's it, it's not making you better, just allowing you to do stuff and not do other stuff. And that's too bland for a charming class such as Demon Hunter.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Yeah, fair enough. It's definitely true that I don't stay in Reaver unless I'm trying not to advertise that I'm a DH and am using it primarily for Martial Lawbreaker.
*loud burp*
These buffs would be appreciated and welcome, sounding mostly good. Extra shots on lead storm could be crazy though.
I think this seems good, Extra shots on lead storm can be debated, but other than that, I like it.

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