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Dokunek- no
"Dokuneko Bells" Wrote:Upon moving within 1 Range of an enemy: (UL*2)% chance to inflict or power-up Poison status LV (UL/2) for 3 Rounds.

This effect can only trigger once per enemy per Move.
10* with a 24% chance of inflicting LV 6 Poison after moving into melee range?

These things totally blow.
Maybe inflicting UL*2 poison would be good?
[Image: GQJ8dCS.png]
[Image: unknown.png]
How about a UL*4% chance of inflicting UL Level poison. That's a near 50% chance of doing 36 damage a round, with a move action. And it doesn't go against status resistance.

EDIT: i always forget not everything has a max UL of 24, silly me
Remember these 10* were added when all poisons did the same damage, a static % of hp based on total health, poison has been through revisions since its creation.
Pretty sure poison hasn't been changed since it's been in the game. Level*3 damage or 10% of HP, whichever is lower.
Dokuneko is really one (if not the most) underpowered 10* shoe items, bumping the chance to 4 + (UL * 3)%, and increasing Poison LV to 8 + (UL) might fix the problem and make this foot equipment more worth it's 10* title.

But Koonie! That's LV 20 Poison at a 40% chance! Are you insane?!!

Nope, I've played with Poison a bit with a Wyverntouched's Poison Bite** and came to a small conclusion: Poison seems to be at it's full potential on LV30 or higher, where it does a ''minimum'' of 90 damage and really really becomes a pain in the ass for both low HP people AND tanks. 60 damage minimum ain't worth shit on people with regular 700 HP pools, and this may punish the 1200 HP Tank meta, hopefully.

Added to the fact I remember Dokuneko poison doesn't last more than 1-2 rounds, right? I forgot the duration but I remember it being pretty low. Also, it's not like we don't have Snakescale that gives 5% Poison Resistance per item set added to the Argentyle Blessings that totals like... 55% Poison resistance, right?

**(I could like, test some Poison LVs here and there, and the most efficient was always the 40 SAN aka LV30 Poison, while surprisingly any level lower than 25 was actually doing 'okay' damage. Not pitiful but also not strong.)
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
It also powers up poison, not just inflicts it.
Yes but the power up is minor, and it doesn't refresh duration, meaning you can't power up a poison to a meaningful extent with it.
Since the level and duration are lower than most things, and it doesn't refresh, what if the effect was guaranteed?
"Lolzytripd" Wrote:Yes but the power up is minor, and it doesn't refresh duration, meaning you can't power up a poison to a meaningful extent with it.

It does increase the duration of the status up to a maximum of 3 when triggered.

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