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So. The current formula for status effects is




What does this mean, exactly? Well, let's do a basic run down of it, to be quick.

Offender has 60 WIL, 50 SKI, and 30 LUC. Simple enough

Defender has 50 RES, and 20 LUC.

That is

60+100+30= 190 versus 70 defense.

Which means that the defender will always be afflicted, no matter what, even if they had Anti-Status, it's still be 190 vs 80, which would result in the same issue.

I propose that status effect chance, since we now have a DEDICATE STATUSER, be changed to WIL+SKI/2+LUC vs RES+LUC

If this were to happen, it would change the above to 60+25+30 vs 50+20+10 which is 105 vs 80. Sure, it lowers it, however Hexer has .numerous. things to increase their "potential" for statusing someone, and hell. Even if these two have those stats, thats still.. 25% chance to inflict with something that has a chance.
There's plenty of ways to decrease the status infliction chance, via items, youkai, traits, etc.

There are little to no ways to increase them other than Hexer skills.

Sorry, I don't see a problem here when those items / abilities exist for a reason.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!
I see quite the large problem with this.

50 RES is an overkill archieved by those that get extremely lucky or focus on RES.

I'm supportive of the proposal.
Ryu, this issue with this is that of the 3 offensive stats, and the 2 defensive stats...

WIL and SKI are capable of going to 100%+ on numerous characters, whilst RES and LUC are below 100% for .pretty much everyone but a Cabal Mechanation on RES. Which, even then, can only get 101%.

SKI counts DOUBLE, so if say.. your opponent has 70 SKI, 50 WIL, 40 LUC and you, as a defender, have 25 RES, and 20 LUC.. and are a Summoner you only have...

140+50+40 vs 25+20+30

230 vs 75

This is in .no. way balanced.
I think SKI+LUC would probably be better. You can skew it widely in your favor without really inconveniencing yourself because of the bonus status inflict chance you get by having a Cursed/Doomed weapon, and even more with Hexer skills.
So take WILL out of the equation entirely?
Doesn't this really kind of make Papilions' racial skills utterly nerfed in the process? Now they'll be pretty useless if not entirely due to how you'll be forced to use those skills to be able to even inflict statuses, and people can stack status resist like no tomorrow.

If this is the case, Papilions need to follow something else or get a buff, because Aposemagika and Illusions will go down the drain if you're not forcing yourself to be a Hexer.

Even with WIL taken out in Sderg's equation, that'd be 50 + 40 = 90 vs 75 = 15% chance to inflict. Anybody if they know the opponent is a Papilion can easily slap on a Warding Cloak and have Anti-Status for another -20%, which is a total -5% chance for anyone to inflict a status.

Hexers pretty much are the only way to increase the status chance, compared to the multiple ways to decrease it, and if the formula cuts out WIL entirely, it's forcing people to go Hexer just to be able to inflict % based statuses.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!
"[url= Wrote:Rendar » Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:41 am[/url]"]Offender has 60 WIL, 50 SKI, and 30 LUC. Simple enough

Defender has 50 RES, and 20 LUC.

That is

60+100+30= 190 versus 70 defense.
Why are these figures entirely in favor of the inflicter? 60 WIL is > than 50 RES, and you made the inflicter's LUC 30 while the defender's LUC 20... if you're going to make a comparison, then do it with equal figures where possible.

I would say scale it down to WIL + SKI + LUC if a change must be made, otherwise attack the problem at the root: Hexer itself. If you make too drastic a change just because Hexers exist, you're going to be killing the ability for anyone but Hexers to inflict a status effect. This means every non-Hexer Doriad would see their racial skill, you know the one, become (even more) useless, and if you want to use status effects as any other class, sucks to be you. There's a reason status effects are never used in other RPGS: No one wants to risk wasting a turn attempting to inflict a status with a 20% chance.

The only other alternatives I see are to add another stat into the status resist side of the equation, or change it to RES*2 + LUC.
[Image: jzdlBPn.png]
"Why is the offender so much better than the defender?!"

Because, it is nigh IMPOSSIBLE to get 60 RES, while it's entirely possible to get 80-90 RES. The Inflicters LUC is 30 because I put it at a 'baseline' and I put our REALLY GOOD RES TANK, as a Doriad. My Doriad has like. 23 luck. "My bad" for putting it at 20.

That's the thing, however, Rockabye. Status Effects are in favor of the inflicter, MASSIVELY. SKI and WIL are some of the .easiest. stats to get, while RES and LUC, if you want an actually .useful. character since neither can be used for offensive means, are left in the dust. SKI can be used for a combative means, as can WIL. Hell, at current I have a.. 240% chance to afflict someone with my "YOU STOP MOVING NOW!" skill. 77 base WIL, 45 base SKI, 23 base LUC. I think I can stand to lose some of my chance to afflict someone.

RES, in general for most people is about.. 20-40%, LUC is in the range between 10-50% for .most. people. WIL, for the people who actually use status afflicts, is usually is at 70-130%, SKI is usually at 70-100% < if they went that route instead >. Can you see where this is going? I'm not saying put it .completely. useless, as my formula was, actually, WIL+SKI/2+LUC vs RES+LUC, which made SKI play less of a role.
I'm fine with either WIL+SKI+LUC, or RES*2+LUC (the latter would make RES more useful), but cutting the infliction down like it is would greatly make it force people to use Hexer to be able to make their statuses viable. Papilions' racials become entirely useless, and Summoners with the faeries will make it nearly impossible to inflict statuses based on % chance.

Also, you actually mained Ghost, you'd end up having a good amount of RES in the end result, especially as a Ghost/Hexer, or even decently as a Hexer/Ghost.
Quote:OOC Devourer Of Souls: I did literally nothing and have never played YGO in my life.
OOC Black Chaos X: OOC Devourer Of Souls: no one activated zera ritual
OOC Devourer Of Souls: That's fake.

Tengen Toppa [Image: 2zolp55.jpg] !!!

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