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Character Limit (Emote)
I don´t know why this suggestion took so long to make but after hitting the Limit with one post 3 times in a row and had to search the bits out with crtl+arrowup in that tiny window there I sorta ....Got annoyed.

Can we please, please, please have either some indication when you actually hit the limit in the small text box´s not keeping to write, or actually get an increased character Limit...Or best...Both. Option for a textbox would also be nice, for proofreading. Anything, that makes wirting larger posts not a chore.

It´s annoying to have always prematurely send the message or do some other nasty back and forth copying because you are afraid it eats half your text.
You could have it stop inputting any more text after a certain number has been hit (the character limit)

That way you at least know when it happens.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Yeah, anything is fine, really. But while we are at it we could also make it nicer overall.

Just SOMETHING would be nice.

Since it seems to be forgotten, anything would be fine, even if just a X/2000 Characters counter at bottom right corner. Though increasing the Limit itself would also be appriciated.
To the counter suggestion: Is this actually done on other games? I don't remember ever having seen it done elsewhere, except in windows that are actually browser windows. Otherwise, it's probably a BYOND limitation.

As for stopping you when you hit the limit: I do know you can set emote windows to be much larger input windows that allow for linebreaks and also stop allowing you to type once a limit is reach, at least I remember them doing so. I may be wrong on that.
[Image: 43061579a09db588952b04fe4c658928.png]
I don't know if there's a great solution for this aside from suggesting you open up notepad and type big paragraphs in there. I don't think there's an easy or simple solution within the confines of BYOND at the moment.
But even the Dragon ball games handle this part better o.o

It´s simple "Click Emote-> Window opens!" Thats a lot better for proofreading and stuff.

And I mean you should be capable of increasing the character Limit a bit, or not?
The current emote window serves a similar purpose, you have to just enter "Emote" with no text after, but the window for the current emote window is pretty small, if maybe it was a little larger.
[Image: zo2BdSr.pngp]
Yeah it´s to small for really proofreading, in the other games you have enough to have a good portion of text in your view able to read without navigating left and right with arrow keys. I mean even without that textbox you can do the same on the bottom corner. It´s just a bit annoying to navigate left and right so that I usually do not bother. And I am veeeeery vulnerable to those typos as you all know *cough*.
Just compare the Emote tab with Write Page tabs.

I think what Shujin wants here is it to be equal to the profile writing page. So... Whenever you type 'Emote' and press enter, this appears:
[Image: Jgz5ppRbTMqXAHc6ay-FHQ.png]

instead of the current:
[Image: TAOD6lKdS2aOkAW1P77KUQ.png]

Am I right?
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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