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Which is the most broken SL2 class in 2019?
[Image: unknown.png]

Pick one (1) out of those and discuss.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
I liked it more back when it was not good.

A moment to rant:
The new influx of ghosts is what I dislike as well. It is actually such BS, that I wish changing classes was either impossible, or required admin permission. Whenever I see people go: "Nyeh, I was thinking about changing my style." Man, that makes me throw up in my mouth a little. And this disgusting act is crucial to mastering the one, truly OP class. That being, the metamancer. This, also topped with the fact that most people ignore what the class is all about, RP-wise, is really bugging me. And don't get me wrong, flavouring abilities is all nice and dandy, but this is not what is happening. This ties into how people are taking ghost, while having no justifiable reason to do so.
i cant believe u didnt credit artist, muh valuable eight minutes of time :'(

optimal statspread gear ghost has :

excellent dr thanks to being dodgetank, duelists one on one, free hp buffer that is nigh impossible for half the setups to get rid of while maintaining momentum efficency
one of the (if not the) highest dps in both physical and magical with little setup required, sans perhaps the multishot gun exploits with oldcode things givin powa instead of swa ( can claim top numbers with easy setup, math already presented all over forums, dms, groupchats, whathave you)
uses weapons that can reach the highest swa around (twohand says hi ) which contributes to above point.
v.good mobility, cucking of melee to degree via flottement
very good fp management, shit so cheap dood
immobilize bypass (worth a mention, believe it or not)
FLEUR, we's lookin at 1,5x more shit to do.

what it does not have that other classes do :


it cant choose to ignore damage (BoI, Cobra)
give too many status effects
counter vs extreme kiting
kip up

yes other duelist promos exist and duelist is no small part as to why ghost is gud

the thing is

monoclass a ghost

dualclass whatever

list number of things you surpass monoghost in

thats how good it is


in reality through if you guys are having fun with it, you do you
it wouldnt be so used if people felt dirty about abusing it.
so its either people dont feel dirty at all, or its genuinely fun for them

and whats what we here for
havin fun
It does seem like this thread is meant to be a salt gathering to me and I'm honestly not fond of that impression. I'll confess that I do wish people wouldn't complain so much about Ghost like it's the end of their lives though. Duelist in general is a fun class, which is part of the reason so many people run its promos.
[Image: Fern22.gif]
[Image: unknown.png]
I am just salty about the RP aspect of it.
If you want to be a Duelist x Something and relies on on-hit [Why majority gets it anyway, because of Fleur]. There is nothing else to go towards but Ghost really, the other classes are not a bonus to your setup, but a class you should focus on, Firebird and Kensei is not something you take as an 'extra' to help your main thing. Ghost is versatile and easy to fit in any class, so thats why its being popular.

Not because its the best thing in the world, but because as a duelist it's the only thing you can take if you don't want to focus in a class promo you are picking to support your main thing.

It's simple really, takes the whole of two minutes in thinking to actually get into that conclusion.

Also, about 'RP aspect' Dev already said that classes does not define how you RP or play said class, so no, there is no right way to play ghost, because you can flavor it however you'd like, seeing someone go "Oh! a fellow black knight!" to someone is the cringiest thing possible.
Ah, yes, I'll pick—

.png   unknown-139.png (Size: 16.91 KB / Downloads: 1,472)
[Image: 400px-Nihilus%2C_the_Abyssal_Flame.gif]
Ending 145: Disappointed in Humanity
This is a satire in regards to the server and going for strong stuff 'just because'. Just didn't feel like making a disclaimer or else the answers would be forced.

Also yes, credits to Sarin for the image. Just got around it and decided to immortalize it.

I hate how appo was the only one who played along-
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]
Mewni post_id=38061 time=1571714720 user_id=2075 Wrote:If you want to be a Duelist x Something and relies on on-hit [Why majority gets it anyway, because of Fleur].
Also, about 'RP aspect' Dev already said that classes does not define how you RP or play said class, so no, there is no right way to play ghost, because you can flavor it however you'd like, seeing someone go "Oh! a fellow black knight!" to someone is the cringiest thing possible.

Again, pure flavouring is not what I was talking about. There are things that you can't flavor, such as Void Poisoning, or the self-harm part of Ghost's kit. It just is there.

My main point is, when it comes to locking down classes, so they could no longer be swapped at leisure, is that it would have not an ounce of sense, looking from an RP perspective. People go from being a Verglas, or a beefy monk, to a master archer by simply going: "Yeh, I found this cool bow, and was thinking about changing my style." N.O.

That is far more cringy than the above. Why? Because the one being mistaken could take that as a compliment, and inform the person that they are not, in fact, a black knight. There is a way to explain such a thing via RP. You can NOT explain, how you gained a great degree of mastery over a style/class, in a single day. That would be the same, if Hanzo LEd, picked up a Tome, speced into a priest, and managed to stand toe to toe with the likes of, say, Mavis - despite only until recently, thinking that the only use for Mercana was torture. NO, no NO!

If there is, of course, a way that would make a change possible, it should be submitted to GMs for review. Re-using a character, logs, and A LOT OF THEM, describing learning the actual style, from a master perhaps? This, along with the struggle of adopting alien techniques, if they so are - all written in a believable way.
Hanzo post_id=38064 time=1571747519 user_id=2041 Wrote:
Mewni post_id=38061 time=1571714720 user_id=2075 Wrote:thengs


you're talking about a game with 13 y/o level sixty with a 10* sword and cheeky meta build ie comparable to litteraly masters of blade
with magical girl transformations
with lesbian hyattrs laying eggs and hatching full grown teenagers
kim (shapeshifter)
talking familiars that are just a faucet for shittalk of their owners
the list could go on

since this is an inclusive enviroment. varying rp styles and lets say..quality for lack of better word are a thing here

if you are concerned for someone swapping classes far and wide for other reasons, you ought to make an alt to lurk what you can occasionaly see
you will suddenly learn there are bigger things to tear your hair out about

keep in mind, above list is just things i am willing to write here
some things do not need to be aired because even hearing about them made me throw up in my mouth a little

(on a more serious reply, imagine if people that want to play the game had to kill off their character just to try a different aspect. or because they fucked up their build. without having to wait [insert self imposed timegap] we already have so few characters that are recognizable and not just lurking around OOC. )

in other news

i answered question in topic, said why and took it srs
appo posted funny picture
fern going [Image: ki0exG7.png] because his favorite class is getting the flak it deserves

the rest of you

tf you doin
bad rp with metaswaps of whole builds?

more spook in this thread and how bork it is

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