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Formidable [v2.40]
There's a couple of issues I've found present with the Amalgama skill Formidable.

1) You don't need the full 5 Spirits for it to trigger. (I only had 3 Black Spirits at the time of testing.)

2) While not exactly a bug, I don't imagine it's intended; It doesn't revive you at exactly 50 HP as advertised due to Homunculi Physique reducing the healing you receive. (And while I haven't tested this, I'd wager the Support Spells of Amalgama that heal also do this. I feel they should all disregard this downside for clarity's sake.)

Finally, as a small Balance Fu suggestion, I think the amount of HP it restores should be higher (100-150~) since unlike Phenex now, it applies Badly Beaten and cannot activate while Badly Beaten.
[Image: 95e2774f19.png]
This has been corrected. I also stopped Homunculi Physique from lowering the healing.

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