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v2.45b (Testing Server, presumably in v2.45c of Live Server too) Indomitable
A hunch, but that might be due to one of those updates that made DR stacking be multiplicative. If seems to be starting from your NatDR (I.E DEF/RES), rather than the first instance of bonus damage reduction you get, which was probably what we all requested in that forum post asking for it.

Things should be like NatDR + Bonus DR 1 * 2 * 3 * 4... Or else things like that may happen, where the instance of DR is your only, but you don't benefit fully from it.
[Image: ht_pudding_the_fox_04_mt_140821_16x9_384.jpg]

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RE: v2.45b (Testing Server, presumably in v2.45c of Live Server too) Indomitable - by Snake - 06-04-2021, 12:27 AM

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