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Omina racial suggestions
Omina are in a wierd spot. The base unluck drain can be rather strong. with 50 scaled san this caps out at 7 unluck (8 if it rounds up), which is -8 hit, -8 evade -8 crit chance, -8 crit evade. This really messes with crit/evade builds just as a passive, though it is a solid investment in a stat for this. maybe raising the cap just slightly would help it. raising it to 20% vs 15% would make the cap about 10 with 50 scaled san which isn't a lot more. And its still generally only 1 drain per turn unless using the curse, so it takes a bit to hit that point. possibly upgrading this to 2 a turn might help it out as well. There is also the option to maybe make the drain weaker the farther away you are, and stronger the closer you are.  maybe 0 if you are really far away, and up to 3 if you are within 1 tile.

Then we get to the active skills, and this is where it does terrible for the most part.

Omina curse: 3m and 10 fp to drain 3 luck. This.. is rather terrible for a tradeoff. While it helps use the other active skills in a pinch, taking 3 momentum for this is rather terrible, especially when its single target. Maybe reduce it to 1m for 2 unluck drains or buff it to hit everyone. as is, it is almost never worth using.

Yellow misfortune: a -15 to hit. With the reduction from this and the omina curse, it might actually decently reduce someones hit. The issue is everyone is either extremely high hit, or an autohit build where hit doesn't matter too much for them at all. maybe make it like redtail where it affects hit and evade. wouldn't be a major buff, but would maybe make this a bit more useful. Reducing this to a 1m use would also make it a lot more usable.

green misfortune: The one misfortune worth using somewhat. A knockdown with a 4 range. 3m for 3m. This is rather nice and unless they are a rogue or martial artist, can be decently worth it, and the 10 unluck necessary means it isn't spammable

red misfortune: A trap, both literally and figuratively. A pitfall trap that stops someone that steps on it and ends their turn. Would be useful but 90% of people have a way to avoid this, either by a movement skill or remembering the single tile its on. Pitfalls can ALSO hit the user and it takes 15 unluck to use, which takes a long while to build up unless you are fighting a lot of enemies, which this is only really good for a single enemy. This just outright needs changed to something else. Maybe make an area erupt into random tile effects, maybe remove the randomness if its tied to a starsign. or make them get random status effects within an area.

While most races have trait options to further customize how some racials work, Omina have none, so I was hoping to make a few suggestions to give them a bit of a boost.

Unluck traits (only 1 selectable)
-Powerful unluck: boosts the strength of the unluck drain but lowers the cap. Speeds up how fast unluck builds up and makes it a bit more useful. Confusion now lets it work, but it also hits allies.
-persistent unluck: for those that don't want to use the active bits but want to keep it going. When someone is at the unluck cap, refreshes the duration, keeping it at full power if within a certain range of the omina. reduces the cap slightly
-strange unluck: instead of a constant drain, the luck drain is a bit random. Increases the drain cap, but randomizes how much is drained. can drain between 0-3. Just like luck, unluck can be rather quirky.

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