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Muridae (Rodent) Kaelensia
Welp, while I did originally joke suggest it on Discord a while back, I spent some time thinking on what this sort of race could actually look like after hearing a lot of interest from the community. In any case, here's the race pitch:


Muridae are part of the human-like Kaelensia, and are denoted by their short stature and rodent-like features. The exact appearance of Muridae are quite varied however, such as some having large floppy ears, while others hold smaller rounded ones. Other Muridae meanwhile have short, fluffy tails akin to a hamster's rather than the long, limber ones associated with a mouse. Despite these variations however, their small frame is universal with adults averaging a standing height of around 3'5" to 4'5".

Among the Kaelensian races, they are know for being the quickest and craftiest of the bunch, utilizing their small size and sharp wits to their advantage when it comes to sneaking about, often committing less-than-legal activities. Because of that, they tend to have a somewhat poor reputation among the populace as rogues or thieves. 



*Golden eyes (Same as the other Kaelen races)

*Fleetfoot - Being the fast creatures that they are, Muridae gain +1 base Move.

*Small Frame - Muridae are easily one of the smallest races of Sigrogana, which comes with its own ups and downs. You only gain 8 HP per Vitality (instead of 10), and you gain Battle Weight Capacity at only 75% of the rate per Strength. However, you gain a 1.5% bonus to total Evade per 6 SAN (capping at 7.5% at 30 SAN) thanks to your small stature. You're also less likely to be targeted by monsters, due to being hard to spot among a crowd of tall folk.

*Instinct (Muridae) - Muridae are instinctually capable at getaways and trap avoidance. They can avoid tripping a deployed trap or a hidden pitfall with their movement based on a [(Level * 1.5) + 5]% chance. They also gain an increased chance to avoid a grapple attempt by a scaled SAN%.

Trait Ideas:

*Infiltrator - Much like their animal counterparts, Muridae are especially apt at breaking into places they shouldn't have access to. By utilizing small hands, long tails, or large ears to assist lockpicking attempts, you gain a SAN% increase to lockpicking success and speed, stacking with talents and other traits.

*Honed Smell - Unlike most of your more timid or skittish brethren, you focus all of your efforts into landing key strikes rather than avoiding incoming blows by relying on your especially keen sense of smell to track a target. The best offense is the best defense in your mind, swapping the Small Frame racial bonus from boosting evade% to boosting hit% instead.

*Stealthy - Quick and quiet on their feet, Muridae can sneak around with particular ease. Their footsteps are nearly silent (reduced footstep noise), and monsters don't spot them unless they are especially close (Does not stack with quiet person).

*Razor Fang - Muridae often have naturally sharp teeth that are especially good at chewing things apart, or causing a predator to jump back in surprise. Grants an equipable skill (2m, 1 range, pierce damage, 2 round CD, [50% SWA + (Level/2)] damage scaling, can target and damage field objects for 20HP damage, causes an enemy to jump a tile away if hit).

*Foul Fang - Said bites can also be rather sickening, lots of natural germs and bacteria after all. Adds a luck-based chance to apply one of poison/blind/confusion/clumsy/lingering damage at random, all for 2 rounds and at status LV(Scaled SAN/2). Requires the Razor Fang Trait.

Racial Icon Parts (Credits to Skullcat! Very talented sprite artist.):

[Image: RATBUTREAL.gif][Image: LoneBackEndRatTail.gif] Pink Rodent Tails
[Image: BlackRATBUTREAL.gif][Image: BlackLoneBackEndRatTail.gif] Greyscale Tails
[Image: EarFront.png][Image: EarBack.png][Image: EarSide.png] Mouse Ears

.zip   Muridae_Bodyparts(fixed).zip (Size: 1.8 KB / Downloads: 145)
[Image: Rabbit.PNG]
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  • Anhita, Boomkiller, Cogster, Fern, Kazzy, Poruku, Pyro, RedtailPinny, Senna, Shadbase, Skullcatrons, ThatOneHop
[Image: XDo90hy.png]
It's not too bad balance wise, the %evade is really good, and the grapple evasion is actually mega good, but the hp nerf helps. I think san giving a %evade is neat, but I would much prefer a flat value like 1 per 3 SAN that counts towards cap. My issue is that grapple builds will just get hard countered by this so personally I would take out the grapple dodge. The fang stuff is cool, I think it should be a guile-based racial weapon though.

But that being said we absolutely need rat people. Please.
I'd honestly just give them a small bonus to evade based on SAN investment and keep their vitality normal or at least on the level of Homunculi. Losing out on +60 HP ~ +90 HP on average is just too steep of a cost to consider especially with their low base STR and VIT.

But yes, add rats.
This is cool would love to see.

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