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Bodyguard and a REAL nerf |
Posted by: Ryu-Kazuki - 12-13-2014, 12:40 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (8)
So with the new Battle Weight system in place, some people can carry around Bodyguards with no problem whatsoever, while maintaining ridiculous amounts of dodge. I spoke to Sderg after finding out that's the thing and got a few statistics from him about his character who has a Bodyguard.
244.86 Dodge
BG Weight 48
53 STR / 40 Base
BW total 48 / 58
Lv 60
5 fist / 5 sword / 5 packrat
Katana weight mod 5
Fist weight mod 3
So basically, if you do this right, you can run around with the benefits of a Bodyguard with no penalty, and on top of that, you have ridiculous amounts of dodge to boot while gaining a good effect. Mind you this is also without Indomitable in the mix.
I propose a change to the item in question by making the wearing suffer 25% (or 50%) BW reduction, because even those who can achieve 80 STR would still have around 60 BW while wearing a Bodyguard without Indomitable, Packrat, or Weapon Expertises. IE; If wearing Bodyguard -25% (or 50%) total BW.
Or, as Sderg has suggested, make the wearer of Bodyguard suffer -50% total Evade (after mods apply).
These are at least two suggestions to make the item not be ridiculous for high strength users having little to no penalty in the process and getting high dodge rates as a Black Knight or carrying around a -50% to all damage for something they can easily bypass with strength.
Non Melee Weapons and General Weapon Skills |
Posted by: Ranylyn - 12-12-2014, 06:21 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
So, for various reasons, you might want a ranged weapon in your main hand and a melee weapon in your off hand. You could be an Arbalest. You could have an Ether or Divine melee weapon and need Maintenance for your Ranged weapon. You could have the melee weapon to facilitate one single skill, and not have Sub Attack. There's various possibilities.
I was recently talking with someone who had to scrap a Vampire Arbalest. Why? Banquet and Bow Hit penalty. Banquet hits at 1 range with the equipped weapon. Only 1 range. Bows get a hit penalty at that range. Thus, all he could do was equip another weapon, go Banquet things until he had 100 Essence, and never touch Silvermists and the like again.
Or, I have an Engi/Kensei who has a Mainhand Gun and an Offhand Sword. She has the strength to do decently with the sword and all, but it's Ether and the gun isn't, so the gun needs to be in the main slot. But Riposte and Repel both hit with the gun, and scale on Str instead of skill. While I actually like this on my MG/G with his shotgun, on my Engi/Kensei, I do wish there was a way to make the sword hit, instead.
I also imagine Tacticians might run into this issue sometimes, since their reliance on Tomes for making their skills good = "Huh.This gets wonky with some subclasses, like BK, Duelist, and such."
Oh, and Forgeries. Can't forget Forgeries.
Proposal: A toggle trait to disable main hand weapon use for skills that can work with any weapon, to allow the off hand weapon to be used in these scenarios instead.
[Dungeon Items] Bombing Doors |
Posted by: Ranylyn - 12-12-2014, 06:01 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
As it stands, Bomb Items presently suck in battle.
Why not give them another purpose: Bombing dungeon doors!
I recently was in a dungeon on a Level 40 with 17 Strength and low on lockpicks. She triggered a Teleport Trap while trying to disarm it. It plunked her in a hallway with locked doors at either side. She broke her lockpicks and was unable to bash the doors down - and trust me, I was mashing that bash for like 5 minutes. I didn't care about the damage I was taking; she's a healer. Anyways, ultimately, I had two choices: log off, or Alga Plume. And I was low on Plumes.
I propose the ability to outright destroy a door, so it cannot be closed again, with a bomb item. Place one in your Utility Belt, Click it, and it bombs the door in front of you. Maybe affecting a 3x3 area to handle doors behind doors, which is common.
Goblin and Bandit Drops |
Posted by: Mivereous - 12-12-2014, 05:19 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
I think I heard a loooong while back that if you defeat a goblin speary and it hadn't used its Stabilizer yet, you got the Stabilizer. I don't know if that's on a percent chance or something, but I haven't had that happen in a long while, so that may be broken. Someone can correct me if I'm wrong, or if they've seen this recently and maybe I'm just unlucky.
Also I was wondering if the same thing was in affect for Bandits, because I've never had that happen with them.
Bandits 2.0 |
Posted by: Mivereous - 12-12-2014, 05:16 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (4)
So since Bandits are people too, how about having them come equipped with gear like accessories, gloves, shoes, and unarmored/light armor type things? Probably not weapons, because that would break their current skills probably. You probably wouldn't be able to retrieve these items from them after a battle (since you, reader, are a vile overlord badass of JUSTICE, and seek to REK ITS FACE AND OTHER BODY PARTS), but maybe there could be a 1% chance to retrieve some item from them.
Just a thought.
Redo test run |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 12-12-2014, 03:24 AM - Forum: General Discussion
- Replies (9)
Can we have another test run of that stat level up idea dev had where you got growth % per level on a static system.
I'd like to see how it would fair now with how high we can get growths from legend authoring.
statistical equality |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 12-12-2014, 02:29 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (8)
Blind only effects hit, in real life someone throws sand in someones eye, then catches them right in the side of the cheek unaware.
with that in mind Blind should affect Evade just as it does hit.
Fear should as well.
Ideas for More Weapon Customization Parts |
Posted by: Sawrock - 12-12-2014, 01:55 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (3)
Onigan Blade (Sword Blade)
Adds sword type of Katana. -10 Hit. +5 Critical.
Shortsword Blade (Sword Blade)
-1 Power. +5 Critical.
Long Hilt (Sword Hilt)
+10 Hit. -2 Power.
Trident Tip (Spear Tip)
+2 Power. +2 additonal Power vs. Aquatics. -8 Hit.
Power Pole (Spear/Axe Pole)
+1 Range. +10 Weight. -10 Hit. -10 Critical.
Crossbow Body (Bow Body)
+5 Weight. +5 Power to Arbalest skills. Made of ore instead of wood.
Loot balancing |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 12-12-2014, 01:53 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (15)
Can we please have a lower the chance of CRAFTABLE items being drawn from the loot table and increase other stuffs chance.
I have not seen many of the older high rarity items drop in a long time.
the problem is back when the loot table was smaller, we were able to stock a decent amount of rarer weapons. now that the loot table is bigger, its harder to get the good stuff.