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  The General Discussion Forum
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 04:55 PM - Forum: General Discussion - No Replies

This is a place for any discussion about the game applying to anything that doesn't quite fit in the other forums. For example, don't post bug reports here. Post them in the Bug Reports forum. Don't post suggestions here; post them in suggestions. Etc. Other than that, it can be anything related to the game, so if it doesn't fit the criteria of the other forums, it probably goes here.

As always, be respectful, etc.

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  The Balance Fu Forum
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 04:52 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - No Replies

Since suggestions was often clogged with numerous topics whini... I mean discussing balance, I decided to make its own forum for it. So, here it is. Please follow these guidelines if you're going to post here;

1) If posting a topic, it might be best to put what it's about in brackets. Some people like to make 'funny' names for their topics, which is fine, but makes it hard to determine what it's actually about. So for example, I'd suggest something like '[Kensei] Ken-you-sei "Broken"?'. If you really have to.
2) If you disagree with someone, please do so respectfully. If you start calling each other names or pulling hair, I tend to discount your input on the subject entirely, even if you had a good point (as I stop reading before you make it).
3) Note that anything discussed in these forums is not guaranteed to change, although I will take well made arguments into consideration.

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  The Bug Reports Forum (READ THIS)
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 04:46 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

This forum has a few differences from the old one. First of all, it's in its own forum instead of lumped together with suggestions. Second of all, topics can now be marked as 'solved' or 'unsolved'. If a topic is 'Solved', it will have a green checkmark next to it, like this topic. Unsolved topics mean the bug has not been fixed (and the forum makes it much easier to find unsolved bugs). So here's the way it works now;

1) You post a bug, being as descriptive as possible. Especially important is whether or not the bug can be reproduced 100% of the time or not.
2) I come along and fix the bug, and mark your topic as Solved. Alternatively, someone informs you that it isn't a bug, and you mark it as Solved yourself.
3) If, for some reason, your bug wasn't actually fixed, you can mark it as Unsolved and bump it with new details. Repeat until it's finally fixed.

Also, extremely important; If I mark your topic as solved, and the game has not updated since, it means the bug IS NOT FIXED YET BUT WILL BE. It won't be fixed the minute I respond saying it's fixed; I have to upload a new version for that, and that usually means the weekly update. So verify that the game version number on the hub when you post the game is different before you run back here and tell me it isn't fixed yet. Got it? Good.

To toggle the Solved/Unsolved status of your post, there is a green checkmark button next to the Edit/etc buttons. Just use that.

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  Most Wanted List (Big Poll Inside)
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 04:37 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (10)

Similar to the 'Next Update' topics you see sometimes, this one is just a poll I'm going to keep open for however long I feel like. You can vote on what you, personally, want to see the most in the game. Poll results do not guarantee anything in particular, but are useful data for me to have.

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  The Suggestions Forum
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 03:41 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

This is a forum where you can share ideas or 'wants' you have for the game. Please follow these guidelines for the optimal forum posting experience;

1) When posting a suggestion yourself, make sure you communicate your idea as clearly as possible. Fleshed out ideas with obvious benefits are the most likely candidates for serious consideration.
2) When commenting on someone else's suggestion, be constructive, especially if you are being critical of the suggestion.

General forum rules also apply. Happy posting!

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  New Forum
Posted by: Neus - 11-11-2014, 09:37 PM - Forum: Announcements - Replies (1)

So, basically, this is going to be our new forum. I feel bad for abandoning the old one, what with its many posts and history, but it's time for change. Why now? Well, a variety of reasons, but using vBulletin is no longer an option. So we're going back to phpBB3! I've spent a lot of time over the past few days tuning the forums to be a happier replacement, and hopefully you like it. It's brighter, it's more colorful, it has some funner banner images. There are even game related forum ranks with icons! (I'll add more later.) Here a few helpful links;

Portal: http://neus-projects.net/phpBB3/portal.php
The portal is the new frontpage. It shows recent posts, news, and a bunch of other helpful stuff. You can get there by clicking on the banner up top.

Forum Index: http://neus-projects.net/phpBB3/index.php
Shouldn't need much explaining, this is the forum list.

In about a week, this forum will replace the existing one, and the old one will no longer be accessible. Take this time to move over any relevant topics or posts that you don't want to lose. I also highly recommend keeping your discussion to the new forum for the aforementioned reason of 'forum is disappearing in a week'.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord