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  Mercury Boots Teleport
Posted by: iDarkCara - 11-12-2014, 09:43 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

I noticed while using the Mercury boots, the teleport movement is very nice, but it still functions like a normal move and thus you have to spend movement going around something despite just teleporting.

Is it possible to get that movement modified to a blink style, where it can go a certain distance regardless of collisions? Or was it done this way for balance purposes//coding?

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  Phenex Wing Overlay
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-12-2014, 09:06 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: s9MvSK3.png][Image: ur2T6oJ.png]

From the front to the back, I suddenly lose my wings.

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  Soldier and Black Knight Suggestions
Posted by: Jay - 11-12-2014, 08:50 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

Some of these involve reworking current skills or adding entirely new ones. These suggestions are meant to inspire some ideas and consideration. I'm not expecting Dev to suddenly squish everything into wherever (and don't want that). The Soldier class is lackluster and it deserves some more love (and balance). If you like any of these or don't, clearly explain why, but other skill ideas would be appreciated. Keep it relative to Soldiers and Black Knights.


[Charge]: Gather your energy in a charge, which boosts your move based on rank for 1 turn. If you Bash an enemy while under the effect of Charge, you will move along with that enemy in a line, pushing them away and pinning yourself against them in the same motion,inflicting blunt damage based on rank. If you bash an ally while under the effect of charge, they will move along in a line as well.
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, 4 FP, Bash Charge Distance: 3, Base Charge Damage: 25% STR + 25% DEF
--> Rank 2: 8 FP, Bash Charge Distance: 4, Base Charge Damage: 50% STR + 25% DEF
--> Rank 3: 12 FP, Base Charge Distance: 5, Base Charge Damage: 50% STR + 50% DEF

[Thousand Stab]: Spear Skill. Pierce an enemy within 2 range with a flurry of stabs, dealing Pierce physical damage equal to percentage of your STR + SKI based on Rank, total. (Reduction from defense only applies to the total damage done.)
--> Rank 1: 10 FP, WPN Power + 15% STR + 15% SKI
--> Rank 2: 12 FP, WPN Power + 30% STR + 30% SKI
--> Rank 3: 14 FP, WPN Power + 45% STR + 45% SKI
--> Rank 4: 16 FP, WPN Power + 60% STR + 60% SKI
--> Rank 5: 20 FP, WPN Power + 75% STR + 75% SKI

[Roundtrip]: Axe skill. Line (5). Throw your weapon in a line, dealing slash physical damage to all affected. Then, the axe will return to you, dealing Slash physical damage again. (Damage reduction is applied to the totam amount rather than each hit.)
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, 7 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/4 STR + WPN Weight/6
--> Rank 2: Learn skill, 9 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/4 STR + WPN Weight/4
--> Rank 3: Learn skill, 11 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/4 STR + WPN Weight/2, Enemies will be pulled one tile towards you on the second hit.
--> Rank 4: Learn skill, 13 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/2 STR + WPN Weight/2
--> Rank 5: Learn skill, 15 FP, Damage Per Hit: WPN Power + 1/2 STR + WPN Weight

[Skill]: Spear Skill. Line (1-2) The user lunges toward the enemy, aiming for chinks in armor or to create them, and jabs the target with the spear point, dealing bonus damage, with a chance to bypass defense (based on rank). If you are under the effect of charge, the lunge distance increases by its rank.
--> Rank 1: 8 FP, Bonus Damage: +3, 3% Chance
--> Rank 2: 11 FP, Bonus Damage: +6, 6% Chance
--> Rank 3: 14 FP, Bonus Damage: +9, 9% Chance
--> Rank 4: 17 FP, Bonus Damage: +12, 12% Chance
--> Rank 5: 20 FP, Bonus Damage: +15, 15% Chance

[Skill]: Axe Skill. Single. The user performs a powerful overhead strike, causing it to deal bonus damage and diminish the target's weapon durability (based on rank). Their DEF is reduced by 2*Rank for 2 rounds.
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, 12 FP, 4M, Bonus Damage: +4, -1 Weapon Durability
--> Rank 2: 14 FP, Bonus Damage: +8, -2 Weapon Durability
--> Rank 3: 16 FP, Bonus Damage: +12, -3 Weapon Durability
--> Rank 4: 18 FP, Bonus Damage: +16, -4 Weapon Durability
--> Rank 5: 20 FP, Bonus Damage: +20, -5 Weapon Durability

[Disarm]: Sword Skill. Single. When an enemy within 1 Range you are facing attacks you, there is a chance (based on rank) you will draw your sword and counteract, disarming their weapon and nullifying any damage. Prevents the use of the weapon in their main hand and appropriate skills for two rounds.
--> Rank 1: Activation Chance: SKI/4%
--> Rank 2: Activation Chance: SKI/3%
--> Rank 3: Disarming the target inflicts 10% hesitation for those two rounds.
--> Rank 4: Activation Chance: SKI/2%
--> Rank 5: If an enemy is beside you, there is a SKI/4% chance you can disarm them.

[Black Knight]

[Checkmate]: A heavy attack iconic to the Black Knights, using their heavy armor to crush and stun their opponent with power. On use, attacks a nearby target. If the attack hits, you deal bonus damage equal to your DEF, and stun chance based on rank.
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, 17 FP, 5M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 2%
--> Rank 2: 19 FP, 5M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 4%
--> Rank 3: 21 FP, 5M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 6%
--> Rank 4: 23 FP, 4M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 8%
--> Rank 5: 25 FP, 4M, Stun Chance: WPN Weight/2 + 10%

[Board Shaker]: You slam your foot into the ground, shaking the earth around you and dealing Earth magic damage to all enemies in a 2 Range circle equal to your STR + your torso's weight, to a maximum based on Rank.
--> Learn Skill, 17 FP, Max Damage: 25
--> Learn Skill, 19 FP, Max Damage: 50
--> Learn Skill, 21 FP, Max Damage: 75
--> Learn Skill, 23 FP, Max Damage: 100
--> Learn Skill, 25 FP, Max Damage: 125

[First Law]: An object either remains at rest or continues to move at a constant velocity, unless acted upon by a greater force. Black Knights are conditioned to gain momentum from bypassing these lesser forces. When you take physical damage equal or less than your WIL + a bonus based on Rank, you gain an additional +1 momentum. Requires Heavy Armor.
--> Rank 1: Learn skill, Trigger: WIL+2
--> Rank 2: Trigger: WIL+4
--> Rank 3: Trigger: WIL+6
--> Rank 4: Trigger: WIL+8
--> Rank 5: Trigger: WIL +10

Additional Comment: As you can see, my opinions on scaling and FP costs are completely different than Dev's and maybe others. But at a later date, I might end up reviewing other classes using the same perspective (glares at the heals).

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  SL2 Growth Calculator
Posted by: Ryu-Kazuki - 11-12-2014, 08:04 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (32)

Posting this old thing here so people can find it and it doesn't get lost. If he ever comes back, he can just take all the stuff and repost it later.

[quote]- By Wesan


Once upon a time...
- I need you pro.
- Wut?
- Make Something to calculate Growth!
- I'll think about it.

[Image: logo_zps4fe2fd6d.png]

Here I stand before you and present this shitty/fine tool.

Checker allows you to select a race, talent and classes, which will help you calculate growth.
If You're thinking about future additions, like bonuses from talents, they are there too.

[Image: screen1_zps622e2ef4.png]

The tool is simple, and if there is a race or class update. You can simply Choose custom Race or class and set up the values as you like.

[Image: screen2_zps16c150fb.png]

[Image: download_zps06672bfc.png]

SL2 Growth Calculator

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  Forum stuff
Posted by: Soapy - 11-12-2014, 08:03 PM - Forum: Fruity Rumpus General - Replies (11)

Can we get a longer signature limit?

Your signature cannot be longer than 500 characters excluding BB code markup.
Your signature cannot be longer than 1000 characters including BB code markup.
There is a 255 character limit.

And maybe bigger avatars?

Note: The maximum size of your custom image is 150 by 150 pixels or 100.0 KB (whichever is smaller).
Maximum dimensions; width: 120 pixels, height: 120 pixels, file size: 117.19 KiB.

And this would be nice, too.

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  [Kensei Rework]
Posted by: Miller - 11-12-2014, 08:00 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (14)

Since there's been a bunch of complaints about Dodge in general. The main point always ends up with 'Kensei Passives', which are quite ridiculous but they're actually required since Kensei has no other good skills/passives to throw points in. Aside from Absolute Death/Fear which the former has been nerfed to a reasonable amount. Kensei skills are by no means good or decent, or at least most of them aren't. Scaling off of 75% of STR with a relatively high FP cost for melee, which is somewhat offset by the FP regen and FP usage for using two skills.

tl dr; Kensei Passives are a bit too good, while everything that does damage. (Not counting AD) Are laughably weak and no one uses most of them.

Proposed Rework of Skills #1

Lower Base Momentum cost to 3 for skills that don't have a special effect other than range. (2 with Katana)
Wazabane is considered an effect skill so it's base momentum is 4.

Proposed Rework of Skills #2
Raise to full STR scaling for all skills.
Or leave out effect skills for this as well.

Proposed Rework of Skills #3
Add more momentum when critting with a Kensei skill. (Could be an extra passive)

As for Passives; I'm not entirely sure how to change them according to the skill changes. But honestly; passives are really all a Kensei has and it supports other classes a tad bit too well.

Also, don't turn this into a cesspool of arguments and at least try to keep your point concise.

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  Divine Craftsman
Posted by: Rendar - 11-12-2014, 07:55 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

A legend extension that lets you break down Vorpal and Divine weaponry < that have a base material like iron and coral > for a 10% chance to get a catalyst that matches them. Gets rid of spending an entire level up to get said thing.

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  [Kensei] Die the death!
Posted by: Rendar - 11-12-2014, 07:48 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (22)

Prepare for the absolute suffering...!
Yes, this is one of those lame Absolute Death threads. Currently, the skill applies the Hunted status to the target, increasing damage by the % your rank gives you. In its fifth rank, it makes it a 50% damage increase for almost everything.

What if the full % only works for basic attacks and Kensei skills? Anything that isn't Kensei only gets its damage boosted by 25% at max rank.

(That includes Power Gradation and other Duelist skills. Maybe apply this to guns basic attacks too. They ignore defense.)

Topic is Ferns, just posting things over here.

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  The Limwell Family
Posted by: Soapy - 11-12-2014, 07:42 PM - Forum: Character Biographies - Replies (2)

Anyone that's lived in Karaten, or simply had an interest in magic and spent some time poking around, might've heard of the Limwell family, whose home is located in the private sector of the city.

Fairly [tooltip2=talking millions, here]wealthy[/tooltip2] and well-versed in [tooltip2=nothing specific, everyone having their own preferences]magic[/tooltip2], [tooltip2=every member of the family has it]blonde hair[/tooltip2] and [tooltip2=Airi I and Lia being the only exceptions]green eyes[/tooltip2] running very strongly in their genes, the Limwells were mostly known for the charitable [tooltip2=charities, churches, schools, libraries]donations[/tooltip2] of Airi Carissa Limwell the first - a kind, blue-eyed woman that once kicked a Wyvern in half with her fist magic, or so it's been said - and as such, they [tooltip2=most of the repeated donations have stopped, but a few remain]haven't been too active[/tooltip2] following [tooltip2=rare whispers say it was violent]her sudden death[/tooltip2] in the year 283 at the age of 29, further details of which aren't known to the public.

Her identical twin sister, Heidi Asta Limwell - a much more stern and lesser known green-eyed woman, though an accomplished Aeromancer and acquainted with [tooltip2=council, guild, big libraries, stuff like that]many Karaten officials[/tooltip2] - is the [strike][tooltip2=now replaced by Airi II]current[/tooltip2][/strike] former head. Currently [strike]at the age of 70, though she looks to be in her mid forties - an unsurprising sight, being a rich magician - she opts to stay in her own home[/strike] dead, leaving the Limwell mansion [strike]unused and unoccupied; though men have occasionally been seen carrying boxes in and out of it in recent years for a certain green-eyed, black-haired [tooltip2=Airi II of course, not that they would know it]magus[/tooltip2][/strike] to be newly inhabited by the [tooltip2=Airi II]new head[/tooltip2]'s [tooltip2=Beth and Sayako]family[/tooltip2].

A few rumors float around about them in Kysei - mostly silly speculation about the [tooltip2=aliens, demons, just general off-the-wall stuff]head before last's death[/tooltip2] - though one rumor in particular seems like it may have some truth behind it, regarding the fact that it consists entirely of women. Some call it a [tooltip2=7 generations of females is not completely crazy]coincidence[/tooltip2], others say they're cursed, some may say it's a gift or a blessing, there are those who say it's simply a matter of luck, a rare few say they simply [tooltip2=very obviously not true]dress in drag[/tooltip2] and there are even [tooltip2=after all, nobody can be that perfect]people that would have you believe[/tooltip2] the males born to the family are simply disposed of - and, sure enough, even the oldest elves and vampires in the city can't remember there ever being a male Limwell, whether by birth or [tooltip2=lifelong boyfriends, sure, but never engaged]by marriage[/tooltip2].

Whether it's true or not can't be said for sure. Although the current head has a daughter, the previous head doesn't seem to have much interest in romance and Airi I was happily in love; though never married, and the man she was in love with [tooltip2=rumor is he had a pretty dangerous job, so not too surprising]seemingly disappeared[/tooltip2] five or six years before her death, and the family has shrunk over the years: only the former head and the daughter of Airi the first still remain.. Or so it was before Airi III's birth, anyway.

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  [Dodgers] Cel Cel Cel, What do we have here?
Posted by: Rendar - 11-12-2014, 07:41 PM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (30)

Okay so. I'm going to make a post about why dodge is hillariously bullshit, but lets go ahead and do this song and dance again. Yes, I'm making a post because dodge is overpowered.

Let's lay out some guidelines of who the fighters are, and stats.

Over here, we have a level 57 MG/Tactician
[Image: f2e304821d.jpg]
93 Accuracy Spirit Hunter, Blessed. Max Marksmanship, Max Dynamic Shooting.
54*2+0.5*42+26+10+16+93 = 274 Hit

In our other corner, we have a level 55 Kensei/Verglas!
[Image: 5ee2da5ab0.jpg]
82 Celerity, 35 Luck, 16 Dodge Armor, Agile Feet, After Image, and UnA. Prowess
(82*2+35+16+6+20)*1.06 = 255.46, or for short, 255 Dodge.

So, in a typical fight, this looks like the Magic Gunner would have an actual decent chance to hit the dodger. However, this is a dirty, dirty lie.

In reality, that hit is automatically dropped from 274, down to 232.9 from a simple .innate. boost.

274*0.85 = 232.9 Hit

So now it's already bad. with the MG standing at a -23% chance to hit.

232.9 hit vs 255 dodge

Now, you all can say "Oh well you have Attack Formation! You can have charged shot give +25!"

Well.. that'd be good, except Attack Formation is just +25, putting me at a whopping 2% to hit, IF I didn't lose 15% of that as well, which lah-dee-dah I do. So that's not usable at all. Same goes for Charged Shot. I guess if I want to overcharge then flick safety on, I might have the ability to do that. Except I still get -15% to that, and..

Oh wait. What's this? They just feared me with Absolute Fear.

-30 hit. Putting the MG at

202.9 Hit vs 255 Dodge

There is no, feasible, way to get out of this. The 'hit buff' forever ago, that 'broke dodging 4ever LOLZ' actually made the game more balanced than it had ever been, because dodge was so utterly stacked it was nigh impossible to hit. Except whenever you hit a possible 1% chance and insta-gibbed them because blessed OP.

Not only do they have utter dominance in the "YOU HAVE TO HIT ME. HUE HUE HUE!" portion, but they can translate that celerity of 82, DIRECTLY into damage with 0 effort. Rapid Kick utterly annihilated the MG, dealing about 140~ damage as an auto-hit... WITHOUT the Ice Greaves.

The fight was impossible to win on the MG's side, they pulled out as much stuff as they could, only being able to reach -10% after ANALYZING them for -16% dodge onto the enemy.

Hit: -9.81718%

This is absurd, and really had gone unchecked for way to long. Chaos and I did number crunching forever ago proving that Dodge was ovepowered and obscene, but I never really got to actually view it in play. To fight against a Kensei, you have to have the Kensei Innates so that you can even have a dream of hitting them.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord