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  Mega's Guide on How to Disagree
Posted by: MegaBlues - 11-12-2014, 07:40 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (7)

Hello folks! I've noticed that recently (Read: Since Forever), people haven't been treating the suggestions thread very well! Yes, of course, it's okay to disagree, but people aren't disagreeing productively. Hopefully, this guide will fix some of that!

Also, I found a pretty neat photo guide that I think will help illustrate my point. Which spurred this.


Now! A primer! The basis of a suggestion, argument, or refuting an argument is "proof"! Things aren't so cut and dry with a suggestion, though, so "reasons" are more needed! Without reasons and decent support for them, no one will (or should) care about your opinion! Make sure you back up everything you say with reasons, and when applicable, proof.

Now, here is the Pyramid of Reasoning!

[Image: UA6quoP.jpg]

First off, Refuting the Central Point

This is the easiest way to "win" an argument, if you want to put it that way. In this instance, quite simply, your opponent is flat-out, without a doubt wrong, with proof. There is no room for a counter-argument, because the whole basis of their argument is flawed.

P1: Shaitans need a boost to make up for their 300% Water weakness!
P2: Shaitans don't have a 300% Water weakness!
P1: My mistake!

Secondly, Refutation

This is a step down from the all-powerful Refutation of the Central Point, as instead of targeting the other side's central argument, you target a "pillar" of their argument, so that their argument is no longer as strong or valid! This still uses "proof", however, so it's very useful.

P1: Umbrals are too weak! Their 50% Light Weakness at night time completely keeps them from grinding, as Spatials will attack that weakness and kill them!
P2: If the Light weakness is a problem, you could only grind during the day time. You can also use Light-resisting equipment to make the damage less severe, as well as Blind Spatials so that they won't use Light-based attacks.
P1: I don't agree, but that's true. I'll look for some Sunglasses and an Irisgold.

Third, Counterargument!

Down at this stage, "opinions" are mostly used instead of "facts". You may not be able to change someone else's mind, but you can state why or why not you think a suggestion is viable or not! Counterarguments can be counter-argued as well, since, of course, it's all very opinionated!

P1: Humans need a buff. They don't have anything which makes them stand out like other races, and are overly balanced, leading them to be underpowered.
P2: Humans aren't made to be powerful, in my opinion. They get extra SP because they're made to have higher utility instead of raw strength.
P1: I don't believe that extra SP make Humans viable as a race, though I see where you're coming from. I would like if they got more benefits.

Halfway there, Contradiction!

Down at this level, you're not being very productive. You're essentially telling the other person they're wrong, without a -reason-. You might as well not post.

P1: Wraithguard needs to have a higher chance to activate, in my opinion.
P2: Wraithguard is strong enough, and works just fine.

(As you can see, nothing worthwhile was said. P2 is essentially just showing off their opinion, which is good, but they have no reasons or evidence! Which is not!)

Over the hump, Responding to Tone.

We're getting more and more useless. At this point, you aren't even responding to a person's ideas, but how their ideas are voiced. Of course, being pleasant is a plus, but it shouldn't have any bearing on the ideas themselves! Of course, flaming people is never allowed, but reprimanding someone should be separate from your opinions.

P1: Vampires having a Holy weakness is stupid, that should be removed, or lowered. Whoever thought of this is an idiot.
P2: Dev isn't an idiot. Shut up before you get banned.

(Obviously, both people are wrong in this. Can you tell why?)

Second to last, Ad-Hominem.

A very dastardly technique used to discredit someone else's opinion! It may be valid, but if their opinions are truly invalid, you should be able to discredit them without stooping to this level.

P1: I think Ghosts need to get some buffs.
P2: You're just saying that because you play a Ghost. Stop trying to twist the game in your favor.

Last for Worst, Name Calling.

If you do this, may whatever gods exist have mercy on you. You've flamed, added nothing to the conversation, and have taken up space. Shame on you. There's no excuse for this.

P1: I have an idea!
P2: You're a fucking idiot, shut up. That's not true at all. You might as well not even post here, go kill yourself retard.


This concludes the lesson! Go forth and prosper, my children.

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  Old/New Monster EXP Comparison
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 07:16 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

[table][tr][td]LVL[/td][td]EXP Required[/td][td]Old Monster EXP[/td][td]New Monster EXP[/td][/tr][tr][td]1[/td][td]55[/td][td]10[/td][td]10[/td][/tr][tr][td]2[/td][td]66[/td][td]15[/td][td]11[/td][/tr][tr][td]3[/td][td]79[/td][td]20[/td][td]12[/td][/tr][tr][td]4[/td][td]93[/td][td]25[/td][td]13[/td][/tr][tr][td]5[/td][td]111[/td][td]35[/td][td]18[/td][/tr][tr][td]6[/td][td]131[/td][td]41[/td][td]24[/td][/tr][tr][td]7[/td][td]155[/td][td]47[/td][td]31[/td][/tr][tr][td]8[/td][td]184[/td][td]61[/td][td]39[/td][/tr][tr][td]9[/td][td]217[/td][td]68[/td][td]49[/td][/tr][tr][td]10[/td][td]257[/td][td]75[/td][td]60[/td][/tr][tr][td]11[/td][td]304[/td][td]82[/td][td]72[/td][/tr][tr][td]12[/td][td]359[/td][td]101[/td][td]85[/td][/tr][tr][td]13[/td][td]424[/td][td]109[/td][td]100[/td][/tr][tr][td]14[/td][td]501[/td][td]117[/td][td]116[/td][/tr][tr][td]15[/td][td]591[/td][td]125[/td][td]134[/td][/tr][tr][td]16[/td][td]698[/td][td]149[/td][td]153[/td][/tr][tr][td]17[/td][td]824[/td][td]158[/td][td]174[/td][/tr][tr][td]18[/td][td]972[/td][td]167[/td][td]196[/td][/tr][tr][td]19[/td][td]1147[/td][td]176[/td][td]219[/td][/tr][tr][td]20[/td][td]1354[/td][td]205[/td][td]245[/td][/tr][tr][td]21[/td][td]1597[/td][td]215[/td][td]271[/td][/tr][tr][td]22[/td][td]1885[/td][td]225[/td][td]300[/td][/tr][tr][td]23[/td][td]2223[/td][td]235[/td][td]330[/td][/tr][tr][td]24[/td][td]2623[/td][td]269[/td][td]362[/td][/tr][tr][td]25[/td][td]3094[/td][td]280[/td][td]395[/td][/tr][tr][td]26[/td][td]3650[/td][td]291[/td][td]430[/td][/tr][tr][td]27[/td][td]4306[/td][td]302[/td][td]467[/td][/tr][tr][td]28[/td][td]5079[/td][td]341[/td][td]506[/td][/tr][tr][td]29[/td][td]5992[/td][td]353[/td][td]547[/td][/tr][tr][td]30[/td][td]7068[/td][td]365[/td][td]590[/td][/tr][tr][td]31[/td][td]8337[/td][td]377[/td][td]886[/td][/tr][tr][td]32[/td][td]9833[/td][td]421[/td][td]951[/td][/tr][tr][td]33[/td][td]11599[/td][td]434[/td][td]1018[/td][/tr][tr][td]34[/td][td]13681[/td][td]447[/td][td]1089[/td][/tr][tr][td]35[/td][td]16137[/td][td]460[/td][td]1162[/td][/tr][tr][td]36[/td][td]19033[/td][td]509[/td][td]1238[/td][/tr][tr][td]37[/td][td]22449[/td][td]523[/td][td]1317[/td][/tr][tr][td]38[/td][td]26479[/td][td]537[/td][td]1399[/td][/tr][tr][td]39[/td][td]31231[/td][td]551[/td][td]1484[/td][/tr][tr][td]40[/td][td]36837[/td][td]605[/td][td]1573[/td][/tr][tr][td]41[/td][td]43448[/td][td]620[/td][td]2138[/td][/tr][tr][td]42[/td][td]51246[/td][td]635[/td][td]2259[/td][/tr][tr][td]43[/td][td]60444[/td][td]650[/td][td]2384[/td][/tr][tr][td]44[/td][td]71292[/td][td]709[/td][td]2514[/td][/tr][tr][td]45[/td][td]84086[/td][td]725[/td][td]2647[/td][/tr][tr][td]46[/td][td]99177[/td][td]741[/td][td]2785[/td][/tr][tr][td]47[/td][td]116976[/td][td]757[/td][td]2927[/td][/tr][tr][td]48[/td][td]137970[/td][td]821[/td][td]3073[/td][/tr][tr][td]49[/td][td]162731[/td][td]838[/td][td]3224[/td][/tr][tr][td]50[/td][td]191935[/td][td]855[/td][td]3380[/td][/tr][tr][td]51[/td][td]226381[/td][td]872[/td][td]3932[/td][/tr][tr][td]52[/td][td]267008[/td][td]941[/td][td]4115[/td][/tr][tr][td]53[/td][td]314926[/td][td]959[/td][td]4302[/td][/tr][tr][td]54[/td][td]371444[/td][td]977[/td][td]4495[/td][/tr][tr][td]55[/td][td]438105[/td][td]995[/td][td]4693[/td][/tr][tr][td]56[/td][td]516729[/td][td]1069[/td][td]4897[/td][/tr][tr][td]57[/td][td]609462[/td][td]1088[/td][td]5105[/td][/tr][tr][td]58[/td][td]718838[/td][td]1107[/td][td]5320[/td][/tr][tr][td]59[/td][td]847843[/td][td]1126[/td][td]5539[/td][/tr][tr][td]60[/td][td]999999[/td][td]1205[/td][td]5764[/td][/tr][/table]

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  The Soapy Macro List
Posted by: Soapy - 11-12-2014, 07:02 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (1)

[headline=2]This may be outdated.[/headline]

  1. Go to C:Users\%USERNAME%DocumentsBYONDSkinsdevourerofsoulssl2
  2. Open [tooltip2=this is a list of your personal macros, save or redo whatever ones you want]macros.dmf[/tooltip2] in Notepad
  3. Replace everything with this
  4. Enjoy

This comes in handy if you've played MMOs, don't like clicking for everything, and/or want to use a controller via Xpadder/etc.

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  Marching Band Blues (Repost from last forum)
Posted by: Ninjahzzzz - 11-12-2014, 07:00 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

So,I recently had a little idea,to make marching bands and Fun-O-Phones more usefull.
That idea is simply to have a three option toggle in the options for music. "No music" "Only Player-added music" and "All music"....Probably a different wording,but my point still stands.
(Forgive me for reposting a topic on this forum,but It /is/ a suggestion that no-body can give a viable reason to /not/ add.)

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  Base Icons
Posted by: Slydria - 11-12-2014, 06:51 PM - Forum: Submissions - Replies (1)

For anyone interested in making clothing, hair, etc. icons for the game, these are examples of the male and female bases we use.

.rar   base icons.rar (Size: 3.44 KB / Downloads: 58)

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  Donation Item Suggestions
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 06:10 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (112)

This thread is for posting items for donation items you would like to see. If you see an idea you like, show your support for it! I will consider all ideas, but ideas with a lot of support behind them are much more likely to be added.

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  Lore Questions: November
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 05:14 PM - Forum: Lore Questions - Replies (25)

This is a new topic for Lore Questions because the old one was about 26 pages. The format is roughly the same, but some guidelines;

1) Try and format your questions appropriately. As in, make it easy to read and answer.
2) Try and limit the number of questions you ask per thread. I don't mind answering them, but don't get crazy and ask me 20 things, especially if they require detailed answers.
3) Try to avoid asking extremely specific questions, such as 'Did anyone ever die of food poisoning in Cellsvich?'. Answering these is difficult, because not everything is set in stone, so giving a definitive answer on it not only restricts me in the future, but it might influence other players' character concepts that involve it.

That said, if you have any questions, you can post them in this thread! I will post answers at the end of the month/start of the next one.

Thanks! (And yes, if you had questions from the previous topic that I didn't answer before I closed it, you can post them here, but remember the formatting guideline.)

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  The Unban Requests Forum (READ THIS)
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 05:10 PM - Forum: Unban Requests - No Replies

Since it seems increasingly popular for people to make unban request topics, I've made this forum that purpose. If you've been banned from one of our games, you may post a request for unban here. It will be reviewed by our administrators, but posting here is definitely not a sure fire way to get unbanned. More likely than not, your ban will remain instated, however, this is a venue for you. When posting here, however, you must observe several guidelines or your request will be denied and you will not get a chance to restate your case.

When making a post, please include the following. In fact, you can even copy/paste this and use it as a template. In fact, you are required to copy and paste and use this template, or face immediate deletion of your post. We will not be unbanning people from games that are hosted by individuals; if you are banned on someone's private Mitadake High or Witches' Chess server, deal with it. (Any official server is a different story, though).

  • Game you were banned from:
  • In-game name (key):
  • Reason you were banned:
  • The length of the ban, if you know:
  • Who banned you, if you know:
  • Why we should unban you:

If you have nothing to do with when or why this person got banned, DO NOT POST HERE. Administrators/moderators who observed the incident are encouraged to post, especially if they did the banning. By default, administrators are under no obligation to explain anything to you. This applies doubly for me. If I had to ban you, I will most likely instantly deny your unban request. Your post may/may not be moved to a private staff forum for discussion after the topic is made.

An administrator may/may not reply to your unban request for any reason. Engaging in any sort of childish activity in this forum will be responded with very negatively. This is meant to be a venue for people who can show at least a little intelligence to plead their case and make amends. Please do not falsify any information you state. Especially, please be honest with why you were banned. If you cannot at least be honest about the reason you are banned, it is unlikely we can trust you to be honest about your pledge to change your ways. If your post has not been responded to within a certain amount of time (try to give the moderators a chance to at least READ your post) then you may bump your post -1- time, DO NOT constantly spam the thread with useless posts.

It is not acceptable to request to be unbanned on the grounds that you claim someone else is at fault. Be they your sister, your brother, your mother, you father, your pet, a hacker, a cracker, a snacker, a jiggy, a demon, a witch, or any other fantasy your mind cooks up and thinks will fool us. I have been on the internet for longer than is socially acceptable to admit. I have heard every excuse. I am not interested in excuses, I am interested in change.

Do not repost if your request has been denied.

Thank you.

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  The Fruity Rumpus General
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 05:08 PM - Forum: Fruity Rumpus General - No Replies

This is mostly a social forum. You can talk about anything you want here as long as it isn't offensive or illegal or really annoying. All the previous criteria are subject to my whimsical standards, but as long as you're being sensible, don't expect me to get involved.

Have fun!

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  Lore Questions Forum
Posted by: Neus - 11-12-2014, 05:05 PM - Forum: Lore Questions - No Replies

This is an archive of lore questions. What are lore questions? Just a read a topic and it should be pretty clear.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord