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Player dungeons
As far as I can tell by the reactions on OOC and spin-off ideas that immidietly spurred up, and ideas what'd people do with this tool, I imagine this would be quite the demanded tool to have right now, and the most useful new feature to add at the moment.

DM tools for housing would be excellent for creating scenes that aren't existing in the current world for private sub-plots, or perhaps even public insignificant events.
As I've seen so far, GMs aren't going to trouble themselves with narrating and aiding with something that isn't a free-for-everyone event, which devolves into...somewhat chaotic scenes with much left to desire for. (I might be wrong in that part, just haven't seen anything else yet.)
As it currently stands people with more in depth plots have to take some of their things off the game, and this could easily prevent such.

Hell, even a classic dungeon crawling experience could be replicated, with full narration of a dungeon master, not RNG.
People play DnD with just pen and paper, and look how much fun there's to be had.
I want to steal some of that fun and bring it here.

It'd solve issue of static enviroment, would help tear away from the slice-of-life generic roleplay to those that're unable to do so with words alone. (Because we've plenty, "I kill monsters, now i relax before there's monsters to kill.&quotWink Would put some entertainment into PvE and more of a reason to PvP rather than "Let's spar." and "I KEEL YO SISTER, NOW I KEEL YOU!!!1!"

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