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Mechanical Strength |
Posted by: Sarinpa1 - 01-08-2015, 03:12 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (1)
Unlike many mortal races, the Mechanation is not used to strain and exhaustion in the same way. They gain +20 to their maximum encumberance.
Modify so BW limit also raises.
Attacks of Opportunity |
Posted by: Argonus - 01-08-2015, 01:52 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (5)
For anyone familiar with most tabletop games they would know how this works. For everyone else: An attack of opportunity is an automatic basic attack against an enemy in range who makes an action that leaves them vulnerable. The most basic trigger of an AoO is a tarfet moving out of the range of someone, meaning if mob A moves into the attack range of mob B on one turn and tries to move on round two, mob B will attempt to make an automatic attack on mob A.
What this creates is a way for a player to increase their threat when engaging enemies, which aids in playing defensively. It can potentially allow a player to pin down enemies, something tank classes could use a lot.
Ideally, this would apply as a basic combat feature for everyone. There can be skills, traits, and talents that affect it, and things like teleporting using void gates and blink won't trigger it of course. It would certainly add a much needed dynamic to combat and make certain skills more viable.
snared/rooted |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 01-07-2015, 02:23 PM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (6)
Can these a status effects work like sl1 still status effects
It makes no sense for someone whose legs are tied to the ground to dodge at their normal efficiency
Curing Curses |
Posted by: MegaBlues - 01-07-2015, 08:21 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (4)
This was all tested with Strangling Etacof, the Silence Hex.
After inflicting Silence and then using Etacof on an opponent, they were able to cure Silence.
The Etacof hex stayed, however, and prevented them from using magic. However, the 5% HP and FP damage did not occur, because they were not inflicted with Silence.
I believe that hexes, across the board, aren't preventing their base ailment from being cured, which causes the secondary effects to not take place.
Burning Through The Night(Because spitals burned me.) |
Posted by: RoboCat - 01-07-2015, 06:58 AM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (20)
Hello! The spital corrupter enemies are overly powerful with their massive Hp and the fact that their burning status effect lasts through battles. There's already enough damage done in the battles with them, I think it's just too much for a single enemy. I think that they need less Hp at-least.
Enchanting enchanting |
Posted by: Lolzytripd - 01-07-2015, 03:42 AM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (2)
The enchanting Craft skill and enchanting skill are the same, yet Zerans and those who take the enchanting talent don't get bonuses to the craft part of the skill
[Races] Racial Levels |
Posted by: Ranylyn - 01-07-2015, 12:50 AM - Forum: Suggestions
- Replies (22)
This was something I thought up while lamenting that Silvermists sucks on a low Vit vampire, Fire Breath gets more expensive for Hyattr even if you're perfectly content with it being weaker, and Wyverntouched self poisoning viability is completely dependant on how much Vit you have.
I propose having "Race Levels" that you accumulate SP for, and basically a class-like set of skills for races. This would let you determine how to allot your points instead of things being forced to scale or remain stagnant. For example, Zerans COULD get several weaker effects as they do now, or have options for other ways to represent their crown of heaven and sensitivity to focus, like a minor racial FP regen, instead. A wyverntouched could choose to keep their poison level low if they just want to self bite for a minor boost without murdering themselves if they ended up getting insane vit. A hyattr could have Channel Magic not be bad if they don't have bonuses to their Vit gains. Glykin could tweak their regeneration ability to not be dependant on their max HP, meaning non tank Glykins don't have terrible regen. A papillion could increase the odds of something in PVE going for their illusions instead of them, etc.
Basically, it would make things more varied, even, and fair rather than just "THIS RACE DOES THIS AND ONLY THIS, IF YOU DON'T HAVE THESE STATS, THIS RACE SUCKS." It would let people have more control over how they choose to progress their racial abilities rather than being forced to have things scale or stagnate.
Engineer |
Posted by: Rendar - 01-06-2015, 10:10 PM - Forum: Balance Fu
- Replies (17)
Kay sup fuckers. It's time for another thread about this.
ENGINEER BOT STATS SUCK. That is a max rank bot, that is getting 0 buffs. +8 to all of those stats. Let's calculate what it's hit is with those stats.
43*2+6+whatever hit it has on its turret gun. That's 86+6=92 Lets assume it has a 95 accuracy gun. 187 hit. That isn't hitting pretty much anyone with good accuracy.
Sure we can upgrade/OVERCLOCK them for.. +10 to all stats, which gives them 25 more hit for 2-3 turns. Woohoo. It doesn't even use WIL. or STR. or FAITH. Why does it have good stats there. Why.
All of the bots have the exact same stats. It'd be nice if they got stats that uh. Better fit their job?
No seriously. The Turrets SKI could stand to be higher since it's essentially a mobile gunner unit. It doesn't have good STR WIL, or CEL because its immobile. It has decent LUCK and good, possibly even high SKI. They were 'okay' before LE's, but now they stand no real ground against anyone with the newer battle weight system. I'm not built to dodge, I have about 165 dodge. I can almost entirely dodge it with my 53 Cel and 27 LUC. I can raise my CEL 5 points higher too. It needs a buff somewhere there.
Medbot is understandable. Honestly, it could stand to have weaker DEF and higher RES/WIL. Lower SKi, since it can't attack, but also get slightly lower vit so it's killable easier.
MetalAegis is kind of fine as is. It needs more HP and DEF with next to 0 CEL to PROTECT people and punch holes in people if they decide it's a great idea to stand beside it but.. other than that.. it's fine.
They can also get rather silly status effects like POISON, Charm, FEAR and stuff like that for.. no real reason. Can that please be made less nonsensical? I can understand Poison, and blind. But charmed and fear? This isn't some god damn Sci-Fi Romance.
Just please, buff their stats to put them on par with other stuff and the class will be actually usable in PVP.