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  See Weed Er'ryday
Posted by: Rockabye - 01-06-2015, 09:34 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (6)

A lot of good food uses seaweed, but it's frustratingly difficult to find. I can't help but notice we have at least two fishing spots: One in Dormeho, and one in Chaturanga. The only difference between the two seems to be that Dormeho has a place to buy rods and bait while Chaturanga doesn't. For the sake of Chaturanga's fishing spot being used despite it being inconvenient, and for the sake of the chefs out there, can Chaturanga's fishing spot have a chance of catching Seaweed while fishing?

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  Farming (Again)
Posted by: Rockabye - 01-06-2015, 09:29 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (2)

I know this has been pitched about a million times, but hear me out.

[Concept] What if there were a place where we could plant certain food items (like fruits and vegetables), and water them once per day. You lose the items you plant and gain a "Growth Value" for each item type you have planted. The value would depend on the number you planted (plant one carrot, Growth Value (Carrot): 1 for example). Each time you water the crop, the growth value increases by the base growth value (the amount you initially planted). So if you initially planted 1 and watered 4 times in total, the value would go from 1, to 2, to 3, to 4, to 5. If you initially planted 2 it would go from 2, to 4, to 6, to 8, to 10. You can harvest a crop type at any time, and receive the amount of that crop back equal to the Growth Value.

Watering would increase the Growth Value of all crop types simultaneously, and again, could only be done once per day. This is to prevent watering and harvesting immediately, only to plant, water again, and repeat (basically infinite crops).

[Implementation] I don't know whether or not player farmland would be out of the question, but I can think of another way to handle this. There could be a farmer NPC (who stands by their own farmland) that you give the items to, and who does the farmwork for you. Watering could take a murai fee dependent on the total number of crops you have planted (5 per, perhaps?).

[Caps] Due to absurd amounts of items entering player inventories at once potentially causing lag, and for the sake of possibly having an actual market that doesn't get flooded with an influx of items, you would not be able to plant more than 20 crops of one type at once, and auto-harvest will occur when a Growth Value totals 100 or greater.

Feedback is encouraged and appreciated, because currently it's much, much, much too difficult to get a lot of simple ingredients, and I would love for this to change.

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  Void Assassin Change (Void Gates)
Posted by: KhalidtheGrey - 01-06-2015, 12:55 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (14)

Well, I've been playing VA recently and I love the damn things but there is only one issue I have with it and everyone seems to agreed with the issue, namely: Void gates are virtually useless. I personally think that the only thing that makes them 'not worth' is that you have to take the precious time to make them for what is probably going to be a single use. and you will end up with an annoying-to-use blink that costs more M (If I remember correctly). So I thought 'why not make it passive and hands free?' So here I am, and I have pretty much totally fleshed out the entire skill. And on a personal note, I just don't 'feel' like a Void Assassin if I'm not using void gates, it's more or less just an assassin with a massive res buff and a mage-crippling skill.

Void Flux(or fluctuation if you prefer)
Passive (Toggle)
Creates a void gate at a random location every X rounds at a cost of Y FP (or if you deem it better, void energy, same numbers either way).
X is 4/2/1 rounds based on ranks 1/2/3 respectively.
Y is 15/10/5 FP (or void energy) cost at ranks 1/2/3 respectively.
Rank 1: 4 rounds, 15 FP(or VE) Void gates last 3 rounds.
Rank 2: 2 rounds, 10 FP(or VE) Void gates last 5 rounds.
Rank 3: Every round, 5 FP (or VE) Void gates last 7 rounds. (same round limit 8-) )

I figured the cost while being auto cast would put some sort of draw on their resource pools (since i personally rarely 'use' my FP or VE) and it doesn't much matter which pool since the VA has Absorb Veil to recover up to 60 FP. You could also make it 'not' outpace Radiation by either upping it to 5 or lowering final rank cost of Void Flux to 3. ... Or you can give it Rank 4: 2 per round, 3 FP (or VE) and leave Radiation alone, assuming you want to make the void energy gain not negative. Of course you could tweak neither one and just let it drain void energy and make the skill toggle off when it cannot proc or let the player toggle it off before the run out of VE or FP. And every bit of this hinges on Void Flux using void energy as a fuel. Anyway, I hope you'll consider this idea and potentially make it part of the game.

A side note: perhaps you could replace the fray-->void gate skill or add another skill granted by.. something (anything, even automatically granted when void gates are in play that you own) that causes void gates to destabilized and instead of fray, they collapse for a moderate damage explosion with a circle range and size equal to air pressure. Could also beef up the damage and then cause it to only collapse at the end of the round while being destabilized at any point in the round, maybe it could even leave void pollution. I just came up with this more recently and these thoughts are off the top of my head. Anyway, I'd call is 'Gate Implosion.'

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  Leave Battle
Posted by: Sawrock - 01-06-2015, 12:59 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

When battling in a house, the option "Leave Battle" exists. It is not the normal flee, as it is in the skill list, and can be used anywhere on the battlefield, not just at the edges. Can this be removed, or toggable, for houses?

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  Interference Shell vs. Seeker Flames
Posted by: Argonus - 01-05-2015, 10:38 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

According to interference shell's description it should be able to banish seeker flames as it does with youkai, as SF is summoned to the battlefield. I'm not entirely sure if this is intentional or not, but I strongly believe that flames should count as a summoned creature. It would certainly give interference shell's overcharge a use in pve.

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  0 Health and Diehard
Posted by: Sawrock - 01-05-2015, 08:41 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

Can poison, burn, and other damaging status effects be removed upon reaching 0 HP, as well as sear and other field hazards not hurting the user right after they get back up from Die Hard? Since Die Hard already has a 10-round cooldown, I'd think this would be fair.

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  Poisonous Claret Call
Posted by: Rendar - 01-05-2015, 05:19 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Is Claret Call supposed to be given whenever you are hit by poison damage? It seems a bit cheap to Wretched Oil the entire field, then get free claret calls on everyone.

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  Gender Poll
Posted by: Takke - 01-05-2015, 05:04 AM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (3)

This is a poll to see the gender ratio of characters in SL2, just because.
Count both active and inactive.
You are given 3 votes, one for each gender.

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  Look ma, I'm Jesus!
Posted by: Sarinpa1 - 01-05-2015, 04:39 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

I'm not sure if it was mentioned anywhere, but it'd be a nifty thing to have that water tiles in player houses were to overlay characters let's say.. to their shoulders or so. So we don't walk on water.

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  Unban request(2)
Posted by: Skarz19 - 01-05-2015, 12:05 AM - Forum: Unban Requests - Replies (1)

What you fail to grasp is I never broke any rules, the community just dislike me however I never broke any rules. A perma ban implies that I broke a major rule which I really didn't. I didn't use the same template as that would be spam and you seemed to think locking the conversation was the right thing to do. I don't have anything to learn because you haven't taught me anything except you can ban whoever you want and you don't seem to care one bit. I didn't do anything the first time you banned me except maybe talk back at someone harassing me because of my name(which by the way didn't break any of the rules now looking back at them) and I haven't done anything this time. The perma ban 'magically' went away because it was never a perma ban, it was a 4 day ban for talking back at a gm yet you still decide to perma ban me due to rumors made by people that it was a perma ban because i've been unbanned for some time I deleted the screen shot that proved it was a 4 day ban and this was a long time ago. I really don't see the point of a ban for something so silly; honestly if I actually was in the wrong here I wouldn't be wasting my time making two posts and I would be apologising. I'm sorry for hurting your moderators feelings however, forcing me to change my name when it follows the rules and then pursuing me after the ban has been lifted off of me is just out of order. My name was King Mantis by the way. I'd love to know how it went from telling me to change my name and after me doing so, deciding to ban me. Can you at least try find out why I've been excessively banned and unban me? Please and thank-you.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord