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  Cool Guy Looking For Housing
Posted by: MakeshiftWalrus - 11-24-2014, 01:12 PM - Forum: Sigrogana - Replies (6)

On the board in Cellsvich hangs a poster probably most notable for its candy-red glowing text. The text itself is written in a rather plain font, showing neither incredible penmanship nor complete incompetence with the tools of writing.

Hi. I've been in Sigrogana for a while now and I'm getting pretty tired of not having a place to chill out at or people to hang out with. I'm looking to rent a room or apartment from someone in Cellsvich and I don't care about the price. (As long as the price isn't my soul or something, I mean, soul sacrifice is a viable method but I'm not into that stuff.) So yeah, if you have a room you're willing to offer just throw me a reply under this or come talk to me. I'm the guy with the kickass sunglasses and blonde hair.

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  Al Abel(No Qualities)
Posted by: Ardratz - 11-23-2014, 11:39 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

Al Abel doesn't seem to fully work, I had my character, with level 5 metal working, take it and it hasn't really given him any benefits, when he makes weapons or armor he gets the same, maximum, amount of positive qualities as he did before the extension so.
For example, a Rockdirt Battle Axe, which is 4 difficulty with 7 skill gave me 3 qualities at maximum, and after Legend Extension I have 8 skill when crafting a Rockdirt Battle Axe but still only get 3 qualities at maximum.

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Posted by: catabur - 11-23-2014, 04:37 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (16)

[Image: tumblr_inline_nfgc56V8Fn1t0m3zm.png]
Back before Heaven's Confrontation, there was once a following for the water element known as Charachin. The water element was kind to his followers, bestowing them features such as fins on the neck, silverish scales somewhere on the body, but some say he bestowed even more onto his more closer followers; fish tails where legs once were. Another gift granted was the ability to breathe for months, even years, underwater.

They'd soon fine that these gifts would help when Charachin soon perished during Heaven's Confrontation. Confused and scared for their well-being, the leaders of these people settled for one plan: hide underwater until it was safe once more. A plan can never work perfectly though, some of them decided to stay on land while others took the quickest end to their lives. Those who stood above the water slowly whittled away until they were nothing more than a myth that sailors told each other during those cold and boring nights on the sea.

The Minas managed to survive after all these years, building a society for themselves and occasionally, but cleverly and very quickly, traded with those on the land. Now, though, they have finally decided to lift the ban on never living on the land and give their race a chance to thrive with others once more.

Living underwater has made Minas tolerable to any sort of water, absorbing water damage, but they're still not comfortable with large amount of heat, gaining 25% more damage from lighting and fire.

Aebar: 2M, 10FP
It should be obvious that every Minas seems to know a bit of water.
By boiling the natural water found in every creature, it does to the enemy: target's VIT+LVL of caster.

Polluted Gills:
Most Minas are deathly afraid of poison, and for good reason. They gain +2 Movement and LVL/5 Evade (suggested minimum of 1) when poisoned, but also take 25% more damage from poison.

STATS: (okay, replaced now)
STR 3 20%
WIL 4 20%
SK 5 20%
CEL 6 25%
DEF 3 15%
RES 4 20%
VIT 3 30%
LUC 0 0%
FAI 0 0%

I suck at this stat shit, alright?

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  Daily Reminder
Posted by: Rendar - 11-23-2014, 03:37 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (5)

Could we have a togglable "Reminder" feature that gives you personalized reminders every few hours? This is for people who have IRL stuff going on, or who simply forget to eat/take medicine. It doesn't sound like much, but for someone who plays a lot of SL2, getting a "Did you remember to eat today?" in the side every 6 OOC hours would be amazingly wonderful.

Just a thought that popped in my head.

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  [Skills] More "General" weapon skills.
Posted by: Ranylyn - 11-23-2014, 02:18 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (1)

Sidecut. Mad Chop. Thousand stab. These are specialized weapon skills. Skills for specific weapons.

Repel. Hanging. Technically Banquet. These are general weapon skills. They work with any weapon. If you realy really wanted to, you could Hanging with a Shotgun, or Repel with a Tome.

As it stands now, the weapons are imbalanced in terms of available skills. Swords beat Axes and Spears quite handily, for example.

General weapon skills are nice because you don't need a specific weapon. They can work with a number of builds and strategies. It also allows you to change weapons as needed. (In a dungeon, using an axe, but you found a shiny new spear you want to test? General skills to the rescue!)

The following are a list of suggestions for new skills or changing existing skills to make a few more things more viable in general.


- Tackle (10 FP, Movement = range, straight line. Deals more damage based on the length of your running start. Can miss. No on-hit effects.


Sidecut is just a hit with the weapon as you dash past. No reason to make it exclusive to swords, unless you're going "Oh, Disgaea had that."


Okay, I get it. It's a duelist promotion. But Sanguine Star theoretically works with so much more than just swords. Heck, if anything, I'd argue that AOE and skill effect has a lot to do more with the dark energies they harness than anything else. It might make more sense to call that move a howl than a sword skill.


Imbue Strike only applies to direct hits. So for spears, that's... couloir and normal attacks? Maybe it could apply to more than just spears?

ARCHER/ ENGINEER (These can apply to either of them, very well)

- Grenade (12 FP, 100% Skill + bonus based on rank. Elementally enchantable, AoE effect.)
- Smoke Bomb (18 FP. Obscures target from view, forcing enemies to pick a new target. Hit penalty to shoot through it.)
- Flame Coating (?? FP. Turns your weapon's damage type to fire for 2 rounds.)

Any more suggestions?

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  Martial Arts Class' Issue with Subclasses
Posted by: Kamuna - 11-23-2014, 02:08 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but:
When equipping a subclass weapon as a subweapon (Tested with Dualist: Spear) without a weapon, Fist skills (Tested: Heaven Kick) are unable to be used. Remove the subweapon, and voila, you can use Fist skills again. If this is not a bug, it'd be great if it were more clear that you could not use Fists skills with a subweapon and no weapon equipped. Thank you.

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  '[Ghost] Issues with subclass synergy....
Posted by: Ranylyn - 11-23-2014, 01:49 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - No Replies

Just I few issues I ran into on a few non melee ???/Ghost characters.

- "Physical" Hits from a non melee weapon do not apply Claret Call as they should (Tested with Book smack and Guns. Guns are stated as not benefitting from the bonus damage, but should still be able to cause it for other effects (such as Rebound.) Untested with bows, javelins, and throwing knives. Appears to work normally with Repel?)

- Upon using Red Rain to apply CC while using a gun, Last Chance does not seem to proc. Untested with any other weapon. Unknown if LC is just broken or not.

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  Lightning Ore
Posted by: LadyLightning - 11-22-2014, 10:32 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (7)

With the recent addition of Coral, a water-element ore, the only element that lacks
an ore type is lightning. This is my proposal for a lightning-element ore.

Conduction Copper
Conduction Copper is great at channeling and redirecting electricity, and sometimes
even generates its own current. It's not as hard as iron, however, and weapons made
of it are less durable.

Weapons: +10% Critical, -2 Durability, +1 Weight, chance to deal 10 Lightning damage on hit
(Rationale for crit: Lightning has always imparted crit to things. See Redgull.)

Armor: 5% Lightning Resistance, -1 Defense, +3 Magic Protection

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  Intense Cold Too Cold
Posted by: Grandpa - 11-22-2014, 09:30 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (15)

The status effect given by Intensify Cold lasts through battles. IE if you're beaten with the skill, the effect will still be there the next time you enter a battle.

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  Turn Arrows Now and Forever
Posted by: Rendar - 11-22-2014, 07:49 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (2)

So you can still have your turns skipped for whatever reason. I'm really not sure what is causing it anymore, before we thought it was firespitters and while that did lower the number of DOUBLE TURN stuff, we're still having major cases of turn-arrow skipping.

I'll post with more details when/if I find them.

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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord