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  [Stat Usefulness] Get us a poll, stat!
Posted by: Sawrock - 11-14-2014, 03:39 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (4)

So, just out of curiosity, what does everyone believe to be the best stat, and why? Also, the second best, third, fourth, etc, all the way down to #9- the worst. Also, the poll's here for the stat you picked as #1- the best stat. Remember that this is for all-around, NOT for one specific class/etc.

#1: Skill (Damage for guns, to-hit, criticals, and helps with some skills). 5 out of 5 stars.
#2: Will (Skill slots and magic damage, and maximum FP) 4.5 out of 5 stars.
#3: Luck (A lot of things, but only dips its toe in them) 4 out of 5 stars.
#4: Celerity (Dodge, turn order) 4 out of 5 stars.
#5: Vitality (Maximum HP, helps with stuff such as Ether Invite, Rising Game, and works well with Wraithguard, shielding moves, etc) 4 out of 5 stars.
#6: Strength (Melee damage, carrying capacity (Which isn't that good to emphasize, but it still has it)) 3.5 out of 5 stars.
#7: Defense (Melee defense) 2.5 out of 5 stars.
#8: Faith (Small anticrit, helps with blessed, devotion, summoning) 2.5 out of 5 stars.
#9: Resistance (Magical defense) 1 out of 5 stars.

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  Sana Medical Center - Mavis Haemin, Ph.D., M.D.
Posted by: Blissey - 11-14-2014, 03:27 AM - Forum: Sigrogana - Replies (2)

Doctor Mavis Haemin, Ph.D., M.D.
Karaten Approved
Lispool Certified

[Image: AuM7EwA.png?1]
On most main, Six Great Lands notice boards and advertisement spaces resides this informative, florid brochure. . .

Below is a captivating, almost palpable painted rendition of Doctor Mavis Haemin in front of her home and medical clinic in the Cellsvich Peaceful Forest.

[Image: N4Rtrwc.jpg]

Now coming to a forest near you, Doctor Mavis Haemin, Ph.D., M.D.’s medical practice! Have an affliction you just can’t seem to get over? Have an ailment aching you? Can’t seem to self-diagnose yourself? Are you terrified for your well-being and need reliable assurance? Then Doctor Haemin is your go-to woman for the job. And the best part? You won't have to pay a single Murai! But then again, why should you pay for health care? We at Sana Medical Center champion health care -- your care -- as a right, not a privilege you must pay for!

  • Cellsvich Peaceful Forest, south entrance, immediately to the east (right). Can also come from the north entrance, all the way south, then to the immediate east. Can usually be found here from the early hours of the morning to somewhat late at night (Hours 6-24)
  • Can also be found, sometimes but not always,at Cellsvich Square near Hikari and the well, usually helping aid the sick and wounded from adventuring. Sometimes she's just there, waiting for consultation, which is welcomed. (Hours 9-16)
  • Can also be found, usually, in Badlands Arena assisting Remedia mend the wounds of combatants. The above also ensues and applies. (Hours 9-16)
  • Can also sometimes -- but not always -- be found in the Church of Mercala, either writing up a report or admiring the architecture/in-door decor. (Random)

Sometimes those who are susceptible to illness and disease require a practiced, polished, consummate mind and hand to figure out just what’s going on with them. By attending your resident physician and medicinal expert, you will be able to stay at ease with whatever condition you may think you have, along with methods and steps to alleviate anything ailing you.

Doctor Mavis Haemin is a superlative healer and physician, having gained her Medical licenses and doctoral degrees by the age of twenty-six. She has been practicing medicine, physiology, anatomy, and biology since she was a child in Mersales, along with Alchemy and having been recognized by the Church in Lispool and Medical Boards in Kysei, Oniga, Lordwain, Alstalsia, and Sigrogana as well. Doctor Haemin has also gained her Doctorate in Arcane Philosophical Studies and her Masters in Psychology. Doctor Haemin is capable of treating almost anything from a sprained finger to stage one Void Poisoning, although the latter requires a strict contract and proviso to be heeded at all times.

Setting an appointment with Doctor Haemin is simple and cordial. All you have to do is fill in the form below with appropriate, feasible information, and Doctor Haemin will send you a message in regards to your appointment. Likewise, Doctor Haemin is a mother of three young girls, along with being a dutiful house-wife and caretaker of a large-scale garden; she is not capable of tending to patients at night or after Hour sixteen unless it’s an explicitly difficult to palliate ailment another can’t assuage. All consultations are free and Doctor Haemin maintains a professional, pleasant environment for all patients. To her, patience is a major virtue.

To remember:
Decorum is required in any and all consultations. Doctor Mavis Haemin will never force her hand on you unless given full, verbal, physical consent by the consultant; this is of course omitted unless the person in question is incapable of giving any form of consent, in which this would be considered a medical emergency. If you have any reservations about yourself or others, please let Doctor Haemin know. There is also a NO DISCRIMINATION POLICY, whether social, racial, sexual, national, ethical, ethnic, etc.

Patients are reviewed and attended based on when they turned in their application into the queue. Please mind that all applications are reviewed, and if a patient harbors a threatening sickness, illness, deformity, or malady, then they will be moved up on the list according to severity. Thank you.

Sana Medical Center and affiliates are not at liberty to disclose or divulge any reports, proceedings, procedures, etc. unless given prior permission by the Church of Lispool and the Medical Boards of Kysei. Patients with their own copies of their medical reports are at liberty to do with them as they see equitable. Thank you.

MAJOR SURGICAL PROCEEDINGS ARE NON-AUSPICIOUS WITH DOCTOR MAVIS HAEMIN ALONE. No doctor in their right mind should do major surgeries alone. All major surgical proceedings should be immediately deferred to a hospital in Lispool or Karaten.


This form can be used for the purpose of screening for a potential malady or just a regular, annual check-up.

Full name (last then first):
Age, if applicable (recommended):
Height & Weight Estimates (or exact if applicable):
Race (if applicable, HIGHLY recommended):
Sex (Biologically born as/assigned at birth):
Gender (What you identify as, wholly disparate from your biological/assigned sex):
Preferred pronouns (In accordance with your gender, what pronoun (see: he/she, they/them, zie/xie, etc.) do you go by?):
Past afflictions and/or current afflictions not relevant to current (if applicable, if any):
Prior Occupation(s) if applicable:
Are you taking any medicine/prescriptions/under any short-term/long-term treatment? If so, for what?:
Allergies (if applicable, HIGHLY recommended):
laplaceNET handle/Address (state continent, district, etc. if address):
In detail below, please describe your symptoms as vividly and as coherently as possible. If no symptoms, please describe your purpose. Please be articulate:


Please send this form directly to drhaemin@l-net.grm or you can leave it at the Haemin Domain in her mailbox (it’s there, just pretend. This also means to PM me the form).

OOC Disclaimer:

I can't be on at all times of the day always. Sometimes I can be because a miracle happens and homework isn't encumbering. But sometimes I require stress relief and need to take intermittent breaks. I'll try my best to have Mavis review everyone who applies for a consultation or has an issue, but nothing's fully guaranteed. I'm also not clairvoyant or a psychic. You MAY, as the author of your character, have to tell me what's wrong with them unless it's preeminent. Thanks.

I'm usually on at around 4-11 PM EST, unless I'm napping or somewhere I have to be, then I'm not. My skype is catastrophecupcakes if you have any questions.

P.S. Let's try to keep any and all medical roleplaying at most PG-16. Breaking ToS and rules/guidelines isn't beneficial to anyone who wants to keep playing Sigroagana Legend 2.

P.S.S. I'm not an actual student in medicine or doctor. My information comes from various sources, so mistakes may happen. This doesn't mean, however, that Mavis Haemin herself is ignorant to any medical information she may or may not have extensively studied. And I assure you, -she has studied much.- Thanks.

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  Buff Axes
Posted by: Suspicious - 11-14-2014, 02:44 AM - Forum: Balance Fu - Replies (8)

Axes as they are right now are in a sad niche. They are the least accurate and heaviest weapons, but they are supposed to be more powerful.

However, swords are both more accurate and more powerful than them in almost every circumstance unless you are deliberately trying to shaft yourself. Swords hit significantly more often (10% more accurate) but have less damage (-3 damage) (Compiled from the stats on Replica weapons), but their damage loss is made up for easily with the Duelist skill (which everyone who uses a sword in melee has at least some subclass in) Elangreve. This adds one's momentum as bonus damage to attacks, and in ALL circumstances where you can use a sword, you are getting more bang for your buck (3 momentum minimum for an attack).

This is not a complaint with Elangreve, however, as it is necessary to combat the crazy damage output of other classes... rather, the damage of axes for the amount of accuracy you sacrifice should be greater than it is now, perhaps even 5 or 6 greater on average than swords in base power.

This makes up for the lack of axe skills there currently are, and improves the power of all relevant axe skills, which both scale excellently with Weapon Power (talking about Roundtrip and Mad Chop...we don't talk about Reaper's Scythe).

The only issue I can see with this is it buffs Arbalests, who try to use as heavy weapons as possible. Discuss.

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  Invisible enemies
Posted by: Ranylyn - 11-14-2014, 12:45 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

[Image: a65658d97cbbb96ac5ed4cf67268000d.png]

This mountain jammer in the jammer cave was flickering in and out of existance instead of the usual effect.

Unsure if a one time fluke or a trend.

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  Animated Furniture
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-14-2014, 12:32 AM - Forum: Submissions - No Replies

The fireplaces seemed so cold without movement, so I gave them some. I also added animation to:

  • Candles
  • Enchanting Altar
  • Water Fountain

I also made a normal and Drapes wooden window, and a sort of steel/concrete window, with and without bars.

There are also gold and silver/steel rimmed oval mirrors.

.zip   AnimatedFurniture.zip (Size: 3.71 KB / Downloads: 459)

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  Forecasted Damage
Posted by: MegaBlues - 11-13-2014, 11:50 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

The Forecasted Damage (AKA that stuff alongside Hit and Crit chance) uses Defense instead of Resistance, even when a Tome is used to attack.

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  Animu 2014 Summer/Fall/Winter
Posted by: Miller - 11-13-2014, 08:10 PM - Forum: Fruity Rumpus General - Replies (12)

So out of boredom, why not list the anime that you are currently watching, dropped, or placed on hold. As well as the ones you're hyped for from the winter season.

Inou Battle(When Supernatural Battles become common occurances)
Log Horizon S2
SAO II(Despite how bad it is)
Akame Ga Kiru (Read the manga before the animu was announced, disappointed so far)
F/SN UBW(Obvious reasons)

On Hold:
Gundam G-Reco (First episodes were disappointing and wacky; been told it gets better.)

World Trigger
Trinity Seven

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  Gear Inquiry
Posted by: Rendar - 11-13-2014, 07:33 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

The new, or atleast what I've seen, torso items appear to be using the wrong type of material.

The Battlemaid dress, even though it is nigh useless for most, comes in metal only.

Same goes for the Priest Robe < Orichalum Priest Robes anyone? >

and the Sarasha Gi. I'm still working on finding the others.

Edit: FlameDance Gi suffers this fate too.

Berserker Shell seems to as well? Considering it looks to be made of leather, rather than coral bits.

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  Life Drain
Posted by: PantherPrincess - 11-13-2014, 07:19 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (3)

In my opinion 10% is low and really not worth the Trait point. I think it deserves a buff to like 20%.

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  Used/Owned Housing Department
Posted by: Chaos - 11-13-2014, 05:47 PM - Forum: General Discussion - Replies (17)

This topic will list the ratios of Owned/Unowned Player Houses in various locations within SL2, along with a few other things. I will update this either when Dev clears unused houses or every once in a while.

As of 11/13/14:

Quote:Cellsvich West: 16 Owned/0 Unowned

Cellsvich East: 16 Owned/0 Unowned

Cellsvich North: 16 Owned/0 Unowned

Cellsvich Forest: 5 Owned/0 Unowned

Nameless Shrine: 4 Owned/0 Unowned

Dormeho Port: 10 Owned/0 Unowned

Tannis: 8 Owned/0 Unowned

Oniga: 21 Owned/0 Unowned

Law's End: 14 Owned/0 Unowned

Chaturanga: 28 Owned/4 Unowned

Can I buy any houses right now? There's only a few in Chaturanga, if you can handle the merciless distance there.
How are houses being used? Almost completely owned, with a good chunk of locked houses. (Insert link to a certain other topic here)

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