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League of Legends |
Posted by: Nuclear - 11-13-2014, 05:28 PM - Forum: Fruity Rumpus General
- Replies (4)
I've been finding myself more and more often playing LoL these days with LadyLightning. I obviously play on the North American server and I'm here to invite my fellow Sigroganans to join me on the fields of justice. You can add my current account: AtomikClock and maybe we'll play some games together sometime.
Aside from that, what are your favorite champions to play as? Mine is Riven, although I'm not adverse to trying out others and messing around with them if I'm in the mood to change it up.
(Note: I typically play against Intermediate bots in Co-op vs AI but I'm more than willing to do PvP if that is something which interests you.)
Uses for Paper |
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-13-2014, 05:06 PM - Forum: Suggestions
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Apparently, we don't have enough uses for paper beyond Tome making, and note/book making. Some suggestions:
[Escape Bomb] Battle Item
-3 Paper, 1 Gunpowder; Base 3 Difficulty
Something like a ninja smoke grenade type deal, when used, attempts to Flee with a bonus of 20% from current position anywhere on the battlefield. Costs 6M to use.
[Improvised Smoke Bomb] Battle Item
-2 Paper, 1 Gunpowder; Base 2 Difficulty
Creates a cloud of smoke at the user and adjacent cardinal squares, which lower the Hit and Evade of those inside the smoke by 5. Smoke lasts for 3 Rounds. 2M to use, effect does not stack.
[Smoke Bomb] Battle Item
-2 Paper, 1 Gunpowder, 1 Spiritual Soot; Base 3 Difficulty
Creates a cloud of smoke at the user and adjacent cardinal squares, which lower the Hit and Evade of those inside the smoke by 10, and has an (Alchemy Rank * 3)% chance to inflict Silence for 1 turn on all within the area of effect when used. Smoke lasts for 2-3 Rounds. 3M to use, effect does not stack.
[Paper Planes] RP Item
-1 Paper; Base 1 Difficulty
Create a paper plane, which can then be thrown like the Stick or GL.
[Confetti] Battle Item
-2 Paper; Base 2 Difficulty
Use these cut up pieces of paper to distract your opponent in battle! Use on an enemy within melee range, and give them -10 Hit for 2 Rounds. 2-3M to use, effect does not stack.
[Color Confetti] RP Item
-1 of each Page Type; Base 2 Difficulty
Throw this colourful, festive paper on yourself or your friends, and hope neither of you inhale it! Use on yourself or a player within any cardinal direction to make a colourful effect for a short while.
[Packaging] RP Item
-3 Paper; Base 2 Difficulty
Use on an item to package it into a giftable format. As suggested earlier.
[Blank Cheque] RP/Convenience Item
-1 Paper; Requires Asago Bank Card and Fluency Rank 1; Base 1 Difficulty
Allows you to write a cheque for the transfer of murai, in case you don't have enough murai on you to pay another player for their services. When the cheque is used, the amount is immediately taken from your Asago Bank account. When created, a Blank Cheque is created, which you then Use to determine an amount to put on it. Would only require ABC to create, not to cash in. Max of 10,000 murai per cheque. Can not be used if the amount requested is more than what you have in your account.
[Phoenix Tag] Battle Item
-1 Paper, 1 Sun Stone; Requires Fluency Rank 1; Base 2 Difficulty
You pre-charge a piece of paper with some focus and the power of a burning stone. Throw to attach to an opponent within 2 Range and deal 3/4 WIL + 1/4 SKI Fire damage at the beginning of the next round. 3M to use.
[Reborn Phoenix Tag] Battle Item
-1 Paper, 1 Sun Stone, 1 Tuning Crystal; Requires Fluency Rank 1; Base 5 Difficulty
You pre-charge a piece of paper with more focus than usual, and the power of a burning stone. Throw to attach to an opponent within 3 Range and deal WIL + 3/4 SKI Fire damage at the beginning of the next round. Has an (Alchemy Rank*5)% chance to Burn the affected unit for 1 Round. 3M to use.
[Eclipse Tag] Battle Item
-1 Paper, 1 Void Shard; Requires Fluency Rank 1; Base 2 Difficulty
You pre-charge a piece of paper with some focus and the power of a dark crystal. Throw to attach to an opponent within 2 Range and deal 3/4 WIL + 1/4 SKI Dark damage at the beginning of the next round. 3M to use.
[Full Eclipse Tag] Battle Item
-1 Paper, 1 Void Shard, 1 Tuning Crystal; Requires Fluency Rank 1; Base 5 Difficulty
You pre-charge a piece of paper with more focus than usual, and the power of a dark crystal. Throw to attach to an opponent within 3 Range and deal WIL + 3/4 SKI Dark damage at the beginning of the next round. Has an (Alchemy Rank*5)% chance to Blind the affected unit for 1 Round. 3M to use.
[Zephyr Tag] Battle Item
-1 Paper, 1 Bird Feather; Requires Fluency Rank 1; Base 2 Difficulty
You pre-charge a piece of paper with some focus and the power of a majestic bird. Throw to attach to an opponent within 2 Range and deal 3/4 WIL + 1/4 SKI Wind damage at the beginning of the next round. 3M to use.
[Grand Zephyr Tag] Battle Item
-1 Paper, 1 Bird Feather, 1 Tuning Crystal; Requires Fluency Rank 1; Base 5 Difficulty
You pre-charge a piece of paper with more focus than usual, and the power of a majestic bird. Throw to attach to an opponent within 3 Range and deal WIL + 3/4 SKI Wind damage at the beginning of the next round. Has an (Alchemy Rank*5)% chance to knock the affected unit in a random direction by 1 tile. 3M to use.
Whoops! Slipped |
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-13-2014, 04:56 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)
"Ryu-Kazuki" Wrote:If you summon a butterfly, and it crosses one of your own ice sheets, the butterfly's movement is cut and it dispels the ice sheet as if it were an enemy.
"Ranylyn" Wrote:This applies to youkai, evoked Seeker Flames, and medibots as well.
Wall'd |
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-13-2014, 04:54 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (1)
"411-L-411" Wrote:Mmkay so, it's training day in the arena -- A lot of people are grinding their asses off, I am one of those said people. So my character is a hyattr, and I am spamming the so-hated fire breath + channel destruction + dragon hover combo, and I accidentally landed on-top of a freaking wall.
And when I tried to reproduce the bug on another wall, here it is.
Empty Core Battles |
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-13-2014, 04:48 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
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I couldn't find the old topic on this, but sometimes battles will have no monsters in them. Everyone ending or taking their turn allows the battle to end, and the party will not gain EXP or items of course, but this is troublesome when it happens to the Level 58 Spatial Core fight, and you do not get a retry attempt. It's happened on three separate occasions to myself, if only counting Spatial Core fights.
"Rendar" Wrote:This seems to be an issue whenever you enter a fight right as Iahsus changes. It forces there to be no monsters. I've seen it happen on a dozen different occasions.
Two Fists, One Hand |
Posted by: Mivereous - 11-13-2014, 04:44 PM - Forum: Bug Reports
- Replies (3)
When going up against more than one Corpse Hand, only the last hand that uses Restrain keeps a hold on you, which means the first one to do it is back to evading insanely when the second one grabs on.