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  Between battles
Posted by: Xero Shade - 11-16-2014, 08:07 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (9)

So, I was on my VA/Kensei and decided to change it to Monk/VA for some ungodly reason. I noticed that Ki doesn't transfer from battle to battle, unlike Voidveil which does. I'd like to simply suggest that it copied that, to make the use of Ki easier for Monks.

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  [Arena Combattants] More nonsense; some unfixed from before.
Posted by: Ranylyn - 11-16-2014, 05:56 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Phew. Accidentally put it in suggestions instead of bugs. Yay for being able to delete your own threads!


- Arena Evoker Sear only cinders the tile you are on, not the usual AoE. Posibly intended, but posting anyways.
- Arena Evoker Wind Slasher does literally nothing. No animation and no damage. (Helps offset how BS powerful they are, but obvious bug is obvious)


- Will spam Rebound despite no Claret call to heal with? Will also re-apply wraithguard while still active when outside attack range (Bad AI more than anything else.)
- Does not require Claret Call to use Ether Invitation! (Yes, they can repeatedly use EI on successive turns late in the fight. Brutal.)
- Combattant Ether Invitation MARKS with EI, to set up a second attack! (They can even EI - Rebound and EI again next turn.)
- Can consume and re-apply Claret Call instantly. No unmarkable phase.


- Will continuously re-apply Deadly Aim and Oil Chain when outide attack range (Moreso bad AI than a bug; but still exploitable.)
- I'm pretty sure one used reload accel twice between cannon skills, but consider this unconfirmed. I forgot to double check the chat log.


- Their Ki seems out of whack. They'll cause Knockdown on turn 0, and then not activate the wind knockback on their gale attack the turn after they use aid. As I cannot see their Ki, myself, I cannot provide more details. It almost feels like they start with some Ki and have a toggle skill on whether they wish to spend it or not. Which, for the record, would be aweome for player monks. The toggle skill thing I mean. But this is getting off topic.


- Not counting pre-20 opponents, I actually never see anything else but the above 4. Is this intentional?

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  [Furniture] Display Cases
Posted by: Someone - 11-16-2014, 12:45 PM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (4)

Something like a shelf, a bench, a pedestal, etc, that allows homeowners to place an item for public display in their home.

(That uber new sword you just got, that nice coat, a joke item, etc.) And, if possible, be able to double-click it to view the stats. (Since that's probably what you're showing off, right?!)

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  I'm blinking in
Posted by: Rendar - 11-16-2014, 08:41 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (4)

Whilst casting blink, with the 'location' selection up, if you click a tile without Mouse targeting activated, you will instantly move to the selected target, generally the first tile infront of you. This can cause horrendous situations.

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  Vanishing Shopkeepers
Posted by: Someone - 11-16-2014, 08:26 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (6)

My shopkeeper just vanished.

I bought up about 2k worth of shop time, plunked it down, then left.

Logged in again, today, and boom, gone.

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  Dying is not a good Tactic.
Posted by: Maikito - 11-16-2014, 06:55 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

For some reason, whenever someone dies (Or I die) the tactics rating icon will suddenly appear in my bottom right, despite the fact that I'm not a tactician at all.


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Posted by: Ryu-Kazuki - 11-16-2014, 02:50 AM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)

Butterfly Illusions can no longer be dispelled by their caster by using Invite Insanity on them anymore like they were able to in past versions of the game.

When you select one with Invite Insanity, it shows a red square and does nothing if you try to confirm the selection.

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  [Toggle] Weapon Sets
Posted by: Ranylyn - 11-16-2014, 12:04 AM - Forum: Suggestions - Replies (11)


It happens to every weapon user. That moment when...

- A weapon breaks and that lolsy accuracy penalty makes punching a better option.
- Your primary method of attack is rendered completely inneffective (Such as using a Narcus and suddenly Chun Install)
- Your primary method of attack is downright suicide (Forgeries, Electrojammers, Blade Barrier, Spirit Mirror possibly)

Weapon swapping mid battle has been proposed before, with the pros and cons they entailed, but what I propose is a balanced and comprehenive system inspired in part by re-playing Dragon Age Origins: Weapon Sets! In that game, you could have a secondary set of weapons on a toggle (Example: Bows changing to melee weapons, or an AW Mage pulling a staff back out when real casting is needed) and I'm adapting that for this suggestion!

What -ARE- Weapon Sets and how would they work?

A weapon set is a preset change of Main/offhand gear. For example: Your main set could be ranged, and you could toggle swap to a more close combat set at close range (Bow hit penalty, anyone? Makes sense this would be an example.) You CANNOT change just one item or the other; a change of set swaps both out.

Both sets would need to be equipped before battle. You cannot stop to fish through your items for that one perfect item to screw your opponent over mid-battle.

Changing sets would cost 3M to prevent malicious abuse. For example, a BK/Monk whose plan is to use Axe and Shield until they have enough Ki to exploit Serpent Strikes cannot simply swap to Fist/Spear to use Body of Isesip and swap back for a Mad Chop in the same turn.

As having spare gear "equipped" (Extra swords at your hips or gauntlets belted to your leg, etc) would no doubt be cumbersome, I'd be willing to suggest +5 or 10 to your current encumberance to placate those who might think the versatility is OP. However, as it's mostly non-mages who this would apply to, anyways, I personally don't see the issue.

How would you equip the second set?

We already have a toggle button for our Alias. Something similar for our equipment screen makes the most sense to me.

In battle, it could be a skill to be selected. (While we're at it, how about a submenu for all our "manouvers" like skip and kick and flee and such? Reduce some clutter.) Again, with a cost of 3M.

"I dunno, man, that seems kinda OP..."

Although I disagree with anyone who might think this is OP, here are my counterpoints for balance:

- Due to limited skill slots to outfit your character with, mix and matching many different weapons would spread you thin.
- The Momentum cost prevents malicious abuse, as in the previous example.
- Since you'd need to swap main AND glove slots, you couldn't just go "lol I have a shield/etc now" unless you had a nearly identical main weapon set twice.
- Since it ONLY applies to Main/offhand slots you can't use it to, say, cycle in a fresh spirit mirror or gear with elemental resists or such.

That seems weak for a trait point, since I have a divine weapon with ghosthands anyways. What other advantages can it bring?

- Swapping equipped gloves, like trading a nihilist for a ghosthand. Alternatively, different (Race)-foe shields.
- The visual effects on dragon weapons would only show for your equipped set, preventing PVP metagaming like "Oh, Narcus, red letter time" if swapped into mid battle.
- On the topic of elemental arms: being prepared for a wider variety of challenges. For example, having a Setsuna in reserve for undead in PVE.
- Also worth considering, rockdirt weapons against goblins can be bad if that earth effect procs, just an example... swap it out!

I'm bored of reading. Can I comment now on how stupid/genius this is, yet?

Don't worry. I'm done. Discuss, away!

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  Momentum Check
Posted by: Xero Shade - 11-15-2014, 11:57 PM - Forum: Suggestions - No Replies

I would like to ask to add in a button somewhere that tells the system how much momentum you want to have before it automatically skips your turn.
There are been many times where I've used Charge Mind, went off to go do something while in a party, then came back and it was still my turn because I could use Invite Insanity.

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  Something went wrong
Posted by: Xero Shade - 11-15-2014, 10:23 PM - Forum: Bug Reports - Replies (1)


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Sigrogana Legend 2 Discord